Prof. Pietro Longhi (Uppsala U)
Date(s) - 19/01/2024
14:00 - 15:00
IRIS Building, Room 1.221
Abstract: Quantum field theories with 4d N=2 supersymmetry provide a rich theoretical laboratory where fundamental questions about nonperturbative dynamics can be studied by means of exact techniques, ranging from confinement in N=2 Yang-Mills theory, to the study of defects, and to recent progress on the BPS particle spectrum of these theories. In this talk I will recollect how these developments have shed new light on theories that lack a Lagrangian description, focusing on the question of what replaces the standard definition of the partition function based on the path integral, and how such an object may be computed. I will discuss a proposal based on isomonodromic tau functions of quantum curves associated to 4d N=2 QFTs, and will argue that this definition generalises the standard one based on the path integral, which is recovered in the weak coupling limit. This talk is based on joint work with Ioana Coman and Joerg Teschner.
Zoom link: https://hu-berlin.zoom.us/j/68721802390?pwd=VnhXOVlQQ3N1eldaeDZVSkNSclo3UT09
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