RTG Student seminar; Benjamin Sauer, Differential equations and elliptic functions in gravitational scattering at fourth Post-Minkowskian order

Benjamin Sauer

Date(s) - 14/11/2022
11:00 - 12:00

This Monday (14/11) at 11:00 am, Benjamin Sauer will present a talk on


Differential equations and elliptic functions in gravitational scattering at fourth Post-Minkowskian order

Abstract: Techniques like IBP’s (Integration by part relations) can help you reduce the needed integrals to a set of Master integrals. When one is able to bring this set of MIs into a canonical form, the evaluation of these integrals can be reduced to evaluating boundary conditions. In my talk, I will present different techniques to find a canonical basis and how to deal with elliptic integrals, which can not be brought to a canonical form.


The Zoom link will be circulated to the RTG students closer to the time, If you are not part of the RTG and want to attend, please get in touch with

gabriel.bliard or alexander.broll    (at)physik.hu-berlin.de




Gabriel and Alexander