A brief introduction to self-dual field theories (Diaz-Jaramillo) & Introduction to multi-loop IBP reduction techniques (Xu)

Diaz-Jaramillo & Xu

Date(s) - 08/05/2023
11:00 - 12:00

IRIS Building, Room 1.221

Felipe Diaz-Jaramillo
Title: A brief introduction to self-dual field theories

In this talk I will give a very brief introduction to self-duality in field theories. I will start by reviewing self-duality from a geometrical perspective, and then I will talk about its relation to helicity. If time allows it, I will finish the talk by explicitly working out the example of self-dual Maxwell’s theory.

Yingxuan Xu
Title: Introduction to multi-loop IBP reduction techniques

In perturbative QFT calculation, we often need to calculate Feynman integrals. Normally, a NLO or NNLO process is related to hundreds of Feynman integrals. To simplify the calculation, we always use IBP reduction to reduce the integrals into linear combinations of basis integrals. In this talk, I will introduce two softwares for IBP reduction and tell you how to optimize them to speed up the IBP reduction for complicated processes.