Student seminar 21/11 at 11:00 Davide Scazzuso; N=2 gauge theories and D5-brane defect

Davide Scazzuso

Date(s) - 21/11/2022
11:00 - 12:00

IRIS Building, Room 1.221

On Monday, November 21st, a new member of the RTG; Davide Scazzuso will present a seminar on N=2 gauge theories and D5-brane defect


Supersymmetric gauge theories in four dimensions exhibit rich dynamics in the presence of codimension one defects like boundaries and interfaces. After placing such theories on compact curved backgrounds we can make use of supersymmetric localization, a powerful tool which yields exact results for the gauge theory partition function and the expectation values of certain observables.

After a brief review of the localization principle, I will discuss D-brane realisations of Nahm pole boundary conditions for N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory on the hemisphere and present the corresponding partition function.  I will then comment on the generalization to N=2 gauge theories, touching on both the M-theory point of view and the resulting partition functions computed via localization.



As usual, if you want to join from outside the RTG please email me

gabriel.bliard (at)