The infrared structure of gravity and gauge theories – a quick overview (Mathias Driesse) & Critical coupling of beta-deformed SYM in the strong double-scaling limit (Moritz Kade)

Mathias Driesse & Moritz Kade

Date(s) - 27/05/2024
11:00 - 12:00

We have two speakers who will give the following talks.

1st Talk

Speaker: Mathias Driesse

Title: The infrared structure of gravity and gauge theories – a quick overview

Abstract: By studying massless electrodynamics at asymptotic infinity, I will motivate the study of the infrared structure of gauge theories and gravity. I will show that such considerations lead to an infinite number of conserved charges and have a natural connection to soft theorems. I will also briefly touch on the connection between the gravitational memory effect and Weinberg’s soft graviton theorem.


2nd Talk

Speaker: Moritz Kade

Title: Critical coupling of beta-deformed SYM in the strong double-scaling limit

Abstract: I will show how to extend integrability-based techniques developed for the fishnet CFT to its supersymmetric parent theory, the strong beta-deformation of SYM in the double-scaling limit. The main example covered in this talk will be the calculation of the exact value of the theory’s critical coupling.


The Zoom link will be distributed to RTG students by email and can be requested from Mika Lauk or Mathias Driesse.