Mika Lauk & Benjamin Sauer
Date(s) - 13/05/2024
11:00 - 12:00
We have two speakers who will give the following talks.
1st Talk
Speaker: Mika Lauk
Title: The Peierls argument: how percolation theory started
Abstract: “The Peierls argument is an energy-entropy argument proving the existence of a phase transition in the Ising model in 2 dimensions. It is very simple to understand but has lead to the development of the field of percolation theory, which is used to study interesting phenomena such as criticality or clustering. The Peierls argument is also the basis for the Mermin-Wagner-Hohenberg theorem, stating that there is no spontaneous symmetry breaking of continuous symmetries in 2 dimensions. This theorem is known in high-energy physics as the Coleman theorem.
2nd Talk
Speaker: Benjamin Sauer
Title: Black hole scattering at fifth post-minkowskian and first self force order
Abstract: “I will talk about the calculation of the scattering angle at fifth post-minkowskian order and first self force order. The 4 loop calculation in the WQFT formalism required high performance IBP reductions and differential equation techniques. The integrand can be given completely in terms of planar integrals. I will give an overview over this calculation and its challenges.”
The Zoom link will be distributed to RTG students by email and can be requested from Mika Lauk or Mathias Driesse.