Principal investigators: Christophe Grojean, Peter Marquard
Doctoral researchers: Daniele Artico, Lucine Tabatt, Yingxuan Xu
Challenging the Standard Model – From first principles to Phenomenology
Challenging the Standard Model (SM) by
- Precision physics
- Direct searches
- Model independent
- Model dependent
Research directions
Develop new methods for multi-loop amplitudes
Search and characterise new physics through effective field theories (EFT)
Model building to tackle open questions of the SM
Precision physics and multi-loop amplitudes
Effective field theories
- Organise our current knowledge e.g. low energy tests of SM, SM computations like gg→H @ N3LO performed using EFT simplifications
- Parametrise our ignorance at higher scales (model-independent BSM searches)
- Compare sensitivity of different experiments (direct vs indirect, Future Colliders vs LHC)
New physics and model building
Problems with plausible EFT solutions
Dark Matter
Strong CP
Fermion spectrum/mixing
Mysteries challenging EFT/QFT rules
Cosmological constant
Weak scale hierarchy
BH information paradox
Very early universe
Integration into the RTG
A fruitful cross fertilisation is expected from Mathematical Physics: new techniques help in the development of more efficient algebraic and numerical computations, while the understanding of the structure of scattering amplitudes leads to more compact expressions for loop amplitudes. Holography offers a dual and intuitive understanding to some new physics models. Lattice gauge theory provides new algorithms with improved performance in the numerical evaluation of cross sections and allows the exploration of strongly coupled models of new physics.