Research group for the ethnographic inquiry into ecologies, infrastructures, bodies and knowledges
New Lab Publication on Co-laboration: Ethnografische Theorie ko-laborativ fügen

New Lab Publication on Co-laboration: Ethnografische Theorie ko-laborativ fügen

After presenting ideas on co-laboration as a mode of ethnographic theorizing at a joint panel at the 42. conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Volkskunde in 2019, we (Patrick, Lauren, Jonna, Jörg, Anja and Christine) are now happy to present them as a paper in the Hamburger Journal für Kulturanthropologie. You can find it here or in the Lab’s publications database.

We discuss co-laboration as a practice through four cases coming out of PhD-projects: “Genesungsbegleitung” in psychiatric care, platform economies in digital start-up ecosystems, open dialogue as processual therapy in psychiatric care and scaling in models of human-environment dynamics.