Research group for the ethnographic inquiry into ecologies, infrastructures, bodies and knowledges
Laboratory: Anthropology of Environment | Human Relations

Sophia Rossmann

Sophia is a PhD candidate at the Department of Science, Technology and Society, Technical University of Munich. She is particularly interested in human-environment relations, looking at exposure to environmental toxicants in urban spaces (e.g. air pollution), which she methodically explores using ethnography, expert interviews, and document analysis. Her analytical focus lies at the intersection of scientific knowledge cultures, new onto-epistemologies in the life sciences and reflections on the im/perceptibility of toxicants and their effects, taking a feminist STS perspective. Her dissertation project investigates how an epigenetic perspective is adopted in environmental toxicology and how this yields a more dynamic notion of toxicity as a processual phenomenon over time. In this project, she currently focuses on first, the promises ascribed to the placenta as a postgenomic research object to make toxic exposures and their latent effects visible; and second, how researchers know and do air pollution exposure in birth cohort studies.


Find me also at: Department of Science, Technology and Society (TUM)
