Research group for the ethnographic inquiry into ecologies, infrastructures, bodies and knowledges
Janine Hauer

Janine Hauer

Distributing Reflexivity through Co-laborative Ethnography

Lab members have published a paper in the Journal of Contemporary Ethnography. The paper draws on long-term experiences in conducting research together with partners from social psychiatry and mental health care across different research projects. It unfold three modes of achieving reflexivity co-laboratively: contrasting and discussing disciplinary concepts in interdisciplinary …

Job announcement: Postdoc position @ IRI THESys

Humboldt University, Berlin is appointing a postdoctoral researcher for 4 years (75% position) for the “Water4Whom” project ( hosted at IRI THESys ( Water Security for Whom? – Social and Material Perspectives on Inequality around Multipurpose Reservoirs in Colombia. The successful candidate will develop new modes of interdisciplinary collaboration and …

Digital lab this summer

Due to Corona the lab does not meet physically during the summer term. However, our weekly meetings and discussions continue. Please check the events section for the program and directly contact the presenter if you wish you join. We are using Zoom. The sessions take place every Monday, 16:15-17:45. We …