I am a Ph.D. candidate at the Institute of European Ethnology at Humboldt University Berlin and a member of the Laboratory: Anthropology of Environment I Human Relations.
My dissertation explores how the ecosystem concept, first coined in the early 20th century, is applied to technologically driven economic and social practices that connect urban regions like San Francisco and Berlin today.
During my field studies, I have been a visiting scholar at the Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley. My current areas of research and interest are socio-cultural anthropology, economic anthropology, science and technology studies, and urban anthropology.
I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in History and European Ethnology and and master’s degree in European Ethnology from Humboldt University Berlin and studied abroad in Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen.
Contact: jonna.josties@hu-berlin.de
Find me also at: Academia
Beyond Fun: Experiments in Epistemic Dizziness Journal Article
In: EASST Review , vol. 43, iss. 1, 2024.
“Spatial Figures in the Anthropocene” – The CRC 1265’s 5th international conference. Online
2023, visited: 17.11.2023.
Ethnografische Theorie ko-laborativ fügen Journal Article
In: Hamburger Journal für Kulturanthropologie (HJK), vol. 13, pp. 522-555, 2021.
After Practice. Thinking through Matter(s) and Meaning Relationally. Volume I Collection
Panama Verlag, Berlin, 2019.
After Practice. Thinking through Matter(s) and Meaning Relationally. Volume II Collection
Panama Verlag, Berlin, 2019.
Current work in the Laboratory: Anthropology of Environment | Human Relations: Doing research in a more-than-thought collective Journal Article
In: EASST Review, vol. 38, no. 2, 2019.
From the Collaboratory Social Anthropology & Life Sciences to the Laboratory: Anthropology of Environment | Human Relations Journal Article
In: EASST Review, vol. 38, no. 2, 2019.
Assembling Comparators – Assembling Reflexivities Journal Article
In: Science as Culture, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 563-568, 2018.