I am Professor of Environmental Anthropology and Science and Technology Studies at the Institute of European Ethnology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. I have been heading the lab since Oct 2023 and have been a member since 2011.
My research focuses on the linkages between multispecies health, anthropogenic climate change, and urban living. I did extensive co-laborative fieldwork on knowledge and governance practices in medical places (psychiatry, palliative care, and dermatology) as well as in community mental healthcare and urban settings. In my current research I explore conceptions of chronic mental illness and urban living at the margins as well as the reinvention of future democratic state institutions such as the Austrian Climate Court of Audit.
Welcome to our group!
Contact: milena.bister@hu-berlin.de
Find me also at: ORCID | ResearchGate | Institute for European Ethnology
Phänomenographie: Zur Rekonstruktion von Erfahrung als Praxis Book Section
In: Martina Röthl, Barbara Sieferle (Ed.): 2023.
After Practice. Thinking through Matter(s) and Meaning Relationally. Volume I Collection
Panama Verlag, Berlin, 2019.
After Practice. Thinking through Matter(s) and Meaning Relationally. Volume II Collection
Panama Verlag, Berlin, 2019.
From the Collaboratory Social Anthropology & Life Sciences to the Laboratory: Anthropology of Environment | Human Relations Journal Article
In: EASST Review, vol. 38, no. 2, 2019.
Current work in the Laboratory: Anthropology of Environment | Human Relations: Doing research in a more-than-thought collective Journal Article
In: EASST Review, vol. 38, no. 2, 2019.
Chronizität im Alltag der psychiatrischen Versorgung: Eine Forschungskollaboration zwischen Sozialpsychiatrie und Europäischer Ethnologie Journal Article
In: Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 7–18, 2016.
The cosmopolitics of "niching": Rendering the city habitable along infrastructures of mental health care Book Section
In: Anders Blok, Ignacio Farías (Ed.): Urban Cosmopolitics: Agencements, Assemblies, Atmospheres, pp. 187–206, Routledge, Abingdon and New York, 2016.
Choreografien klinischer und städtischer Alltage: Ergebnisse einer ko-laborativen Ethnografie mit der Sozialpsychiatrie Journal Article
In: Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, vol. 111, no. 2, pp. 214–235, 2015.
Panama Verlag, Berlin, 2014.