Research group for the ethnographic inquiry into ecologies, infrastructures, bodies and knowledges
Laboratory: Anthropology of Environment | Human Relations


253 entries « 1 of 3 »


Anja Klein, Catharina Lüder, Britta Acksel

Changing toolkits in sustainability research – a perspective on transformative and transforming methods Online

2024, visited: 23.12.2024.


Anja Klein, Krystin Unverzagt, Rossella Alba, Jonathan Donges, Tilman Hertz, Tobias Krueger, Emilie Lindkvist, Romina Martin, Jörg Niewöhner, Hannah Prawitz, Maja Schlüter, Luana Schwarz, Nanda Wijermans

From situated knowledges to situated modelling: a relational framework for simulation modelling Journal Article

In: Ecosystems and People, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. 2361706, 2024.

Abstract | Links

Elisabeth Luggauer, Jorge Martín Sainz de los Terreros

Time-traveling the time-travel in(to) heat. Thoughts and speculations about thermic futures in urban spaces. Book Chapter

In: Ignacio Farías, Laura Kemmer (Ed.): vol. 87, pp. 159-166, Berliner Blätter: Elemental Urbanism , 2024.


Britta Acksel, Jonna Josties, Maxime Le Calvé

Beyond Fun: Experiments in Epistemic Dizziness Journal Article

In: EASST Review , vol. 43, iss. 1, 2024.



Jonna Josties

“Spatial Figures in the Anthropocene” – The CRC 1265’s 5th international conference. Online

2023, visited: 17.11.2023.


Milena D. Bister

Making un/equal: reassessing inequality and mental health through a praxeographic approach on welfare categorization processes Journal Article

In: Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2023.

Abstract | Links

Patrick Bieler, Milena Bister, Jörg Niewöhner

Phänomenographie: Zur Rekonstruktion von Erfahrung als Praxis Book Section

In: Martina Röthl, Barbara Sieferle (Ed.): 2023.


Sarah R. Davies, Tereza Stöckelová, Fredy Mora Gámez, Roos Hopman, Patrick Bieler

STS in context: Provincialising STS from central Europe Miscellaneous



Patrick Bieler

Inter- und transdisziplinäre Forschung zum Zusammenhang urbanen Lebens und psychischer Gesundheit: Ein gesellschaftswissenschaftlicher Kommentar Journal Article

In: sozialpsychiatrische Informationen, vol. 52, iss. 4, pp. 12-16, 2022.


Ana Abril

Más Que Nudes: Autoetnografía de Una Resistencia Micropolítica a La Normatividad Sexual Durante El Distanciamento Físico Por COVID-19 Book Section

In: Myriam Oviedo Córdoba. (Ed.): Armenia, Quindío: Editorial Kinesis, 2022.

Janine Hauer, Ruzana Liburkina

Assembling Rice Production Systems across Burkina Faso and Uruguay Journal Article

In: Berliner Blätter: ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge, vol. 86, pp. 9-27, 2022.

Abstract | Links

Beril Ocaklı, Jörg Niewöhner

Making and unmaking gold as a resource. Resistant socionatures in Maidan, Kyrgyzstan Journal Article

In: Geoforum, vol. 131, pp. 151-162, 2022.

Abstract | Links

Lauren Cubellis

Competing responsibilities and the distribution of outcome through dialogic practice Journal Article

In: Medical Anthropology, iss. 42, no. 1, pp. 81-93, 2022.

Dženeta Hodžić, Hana Curak

Daytonitis in Practice (Post-)Socialist (Dis-)Continuities in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Energy and Environment Sector Journal Article

In: Berliner Blätter, vol. 85, pp. 87-95, 2022.

Abstract | Links

Britta Acksel, Catharina Lüder, Dženeta Hodžić

Book review: Knox Hannah (2020) Thinking Like a Climate: Governing a City in Times of Environmental Change Journal Article

In: Science & Technology Studies, vol. 35, iss. 1, pp. 80-82, 2022.


Elisabeth Luggauer

Aus der Perspektive eines lutalice. Imaginationen städtischer Multispezies-Konvivialitäten Journal Article

In: Tierstudien, vol. 22, iss. 1, pp. 144-155, 2022.


Patrick Bieler

Situated Withnessing in/as Intervention: Co-Laborative, Ethnographic Long-Term Research with Social Psychiatry Book Section

In: Kathrin Eitel, Laura Otto, Martina Klausner, Gisela Welz (Ed.): Interventions with/in Ethnography: Experiments, Collaborations, Epistemic Effects, vol. 83, pp. 43-57, Frankfurt/Main: Institut für Kulturanthropologie und Europäische Ethnologie, 2021.

Abstract | Links

Ruzana Liburkina

Extraordinary Ethnographic Encounters in Extraordinary Times: A Plea for Experimental Interventions in More-than-Business Relations Book Section

In: Kathrin Eitel, Laura Otto, Martina Klausner, Gisela Welz (Ed.): , 14-26. doi: , vol. 83, pp. 14-26, Frankfurt/Main: Institut für Kulturanthropologie und Europäische Ethnologie, 2021.


Robert Luetkemeier, Fanny Frick-Trzebitzky, Dženeta Hodžić, Anne Jäger, David Kuhn, Linda Söller

Telecoupled Groundwaters: New Ways to Investigate Increasingly De-Localized Resources Journal Article

In: Water, vol. 13, no. 20, pp. 2906, 2021.

Abstract | Links

Stefan Reinsch, Anika König, Christoph Rehmann-Sutter

Decision-making about non-invasive prenatal testing: women’s moral reasoning in the absence of a risk of miscarriage in Germany Journal Article

In: New Genetics and Society, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 199-215 , 2021.


Patrick Bieler, Lauren Cubellis, Jonna Josties, Anja Klein, Jörg Niewöhner, Christine Schmid

Ethnografische Theorie ko-laborativ fügen Journal Article

In: Hamburger Journal für Kulturanthropologie (HJK), vol. 13, pp. 522-555, 2021.


Beril Ocaklı, Tobias Krueger, Marco A. Janssen, Ulan Kasymov

Taking the discourse seriously: Rational self-interest and resistance to mining in Kyrgyzstan Journal Article

In: Ecological Economics, vol. 189, no. 107177, 2021.

Abstract | Links

Patrick Bieler

Wohnungs- und Obdachlosigkeit als Herausforderung (und Chance!?) der Eingliederungshilfe Journal Article

In: sozialpsychiatrische informationen, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 40-44, 2021.

Abstract | Links

Janine Hauer

Future-making in Burkina Faso: ordering and materializing temporal relations in the Bagré Growth Pole Project Journal Article

In: Geographica Helvetica, vol. 76, pp. 163–175, 2021.

Abstract | Links

Milena D. Bister

Minute/s Work: The Participation of Digital Data Objects in the Conjuncture and Disjuncture of Policy and Care Book Section

In: Svalastog, Anna Lydia; Gajović, Srećko; Webster, Andrew (Ed.): Navigating Digital Health Landscapes: A Multidisciplinary Analysis, pp. 151-171, 2021.


Lauren Cubellis, Christine Schmid, Sebastian von Peter

Ethnography in health services research: Oscillation between theory and practice Journal Article

In: Qualitative Health Research, 2021.


Patrick Bieler, Milena D. Bister, Christine Schmid

Formate des Ko-Laborierens. Geteilte epistemische Arbeit als katalytische Praxis Journal Article

In: Berliner Blätter: ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge, vol. 83, pp. 87-105, 2021.

Abstract | Links

Jörg Niewöhner

Reflexion als gefügte Praxis Journal Article

In: Berliner Blätter: ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge, vol. 83, pp. 107-116, 2021.

Abstract | Links

Janine Hauer, Friederike Faust, Beate Binder

Kooperieren – Kollaborieren – Kuratieren. Zu Formen des Zusammenarbeitens in der ethnografischen Forschung Journal Article

In: Berliner Blätter: ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge, vol. 83, pp. 3-17, 2021.

Abstract | Links

Friederike Faust, Janine Hauer (Ed.)

Kooperieren - Kollaborieren - Kuratieren. Positionsbestimmungen ethnografischer Praxis Collection


Abstract | Links

Ruzana Liburkina

Ethnografisch-anthropologische Forschung in, zu und mit Unternehmen. Skepsis-Spirale und mögliche Fluchtpfade Journal Article

In: Berliner Blätter: ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge, vol. 83, pp. 29-47, 2021.

Abstract | Links

Milena D. Bister

Gesundheitliches Gut-achten als soziomaterieller Prozess: Eine Praxeografie der Zuerkennung von gemeindepsychiatrischen Leistungen in Berlin Journal Article

In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 157-178, 2021.

Abstract | Links


Christine Schmid

The Anthropologist amidst and beyond: Notes on Temporalities of Covid-19 Journal Article

In: Social Anthropology, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 350-351, 2020.


Christine Schmid

Ver-rückte Expertisen: ethnografische Perspektiven auf Genesungsbegleitung Book

Bielefeld, 2020, ISBN: 3837-653854.

Markus A. Feufel, Christine Schmid, Viola Westfal

On Kantian tendencies during the early corona pandemic in Germany Journal Article

In: Mind & Society, vol. 23, no. 12.2020, pp. 1-7, 2020.

Abstract | Links

Patrick Bieler, Milena D. Bister, Janine Hauer, Martina Klausner, Jörg Niewöhner, Christine Schmid, Sebastian von Peter

Distributing Reflexivity through Co-laborative Ethnography Journal Article

In: Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 2020.

Abstract | Links

Milena D. Bister

Moving and mapping (with) Actor-Network Theory (Review: Blok, A, Farías, I., & Roberts, C. (eds) (2019) The Routledge Companion to Actor-Network Theory, London: Routledge.) Journal Article

In: ephemera. theory and politics in organization, 2020.


Jörg Niewöhner

Situating Biologies: Studying Human Differentiation as Material-Semiotic Practice Book Section

In: Jens Seeberg, Andreas Roepstorff, Lotte Meinert (Ed.): Biosocial Worlds. Anthropology of Health Environments beyond Determinism, pp. 44-68, UCL Press, 2020.


Petra Beck

The Ocean as Thingspace. From the Ocean as ‘Master of Disappearance’ to the ‘Friendly Floatees’ and a new ocean cosmology Book Section

In: Richard Ek, Nils Johannson (Ed.): Opening the Bin: Perspectives on Waste from the Social Sciences and the Humanities, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcawstle upon Tyne, 2020.


Lauren Cubellis

Sympathetic Care Journal Article

In: Cultural Anthropology , vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 14-22, 2020.

Petra Beck, Patrick Bieler, Milena Bister, Adina Dymczyk, Janine Hauer, Anna Heitger, Dženeta Hodžić, Ruzana Liburkina, Stefan Reinsch, Tim Seitz, Christine Schmid, Krystin Unverzagt

Rezension zu: Groth, Stefan; Ritter, Christian (Hrsg.): Zusammen arbeiten. Praktiken der Koordination und Kooperation in kollaborativen Prozessen. Bielefeld 2019 Journal Article

In: H-Soz-Kult, 2020.


Janine Hauer, Jonas Østergaard Nielsen

Making land-use change and markets: the global-local entanglement of producing rice in Bagré, Burkina Faso Journal Article

In: Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, pp. 1-17, 2020.


Tim Seitz

Design Thinking and the New Spirit of Capitalism. Sociological Reflections on Innovation Culture Book

Palgrave Pivot, London et al., 2020.

Lauren Cubellis

Gestures of Care and Recognition: An Introduction Journal Article

In: Cultural Anthropology, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 1-5, 2020.


Christine Schmid

Zum oszillierenden Charakter von Genesungsbegleitung Journal Article

In: Sozialpsychiatrische Information, vol. 4, 2020.



Hannah L. Harrison, Janine Hauer, Jonas Østergaard Nielsen, Øystein Aas

Disputing nature in the Anthropocene: technology as friend and foe in the struggle to conserve wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) Journal Article

In: Ecology and Society, vol. 24, no. 3, 2019.

Abstract | Links

Jörg Niewöhner, Patrick Bieler, Milena Bister, Janine Hauer, Maren Heibges, Jonna Josties, Martina Klausner, Anja Klein, Ruzana Liburkina, Julie Sascia Mewes, Christine Schmid, Tim Seitz (Ed.)

After Practice. Thinking through Matter(s) and Meaning Relationally. Volume I Collection

Panama Verlag, Berlin, 2019.

Jörg Niewöhner, Patrick Bieler, Milena Bister, Janine Hauer, Maren Heibges, Jonna Josties, Martina Klausner, Anja Klein, Ruzana Liburkina, Julie Sascia Mewes, Christine Schmid, Tim Seitz (Ed.)

After Practice. Thinking through Matter(s) and Meaning Relationally. Volume II Collection

Panama Verlag, Berlin, 2019.

Sabine Biedermann, Patrick Bieler, Milena Bister, Sascha Cornejo Puschner, Adina Dymczyk, Dennis Eckhardt, Janine Hauer, Maren Heibges, Dženeta Hodžić, Jonna Josties, Martina Klausner, Anja Klein, Céline Lauer, Ruzana Liburkina, Jörg Niewöhner, Stefan Reinsch, Christine Schmid, Tim Seitz, Itzell Torres, Krystin Unverzagt, Jorge E. Vega-Marrot

From the Collaboratory Social Anthropology & Life Sciences to the Laboratory: Anthropology of Environment | Human Relations Journal Article

In: EASST Review, vol. 38, no. 2, 2019.


Sabine Biedermann, Patrick Bieler, Milena Bister, Sascha Cornejo Puschner, Adina Dymczyk, Dennis Eckhardt, Janine Hauer, Maren Heibges, Dženeta Hodžić, Jonna Josties, Martina Klausner, Anja Klein, Céline Lauer, Ruzana Liburkina, Jörg Niewöhner, Stefan Reinsch, Christine Schmid, Tim Seitz, Itzell Torres, Krystin Unverzagt, Jorge E. Vega-Marrot

Current work in the Laboratory: Anthropology of Environment | Human Relations: Doing research in a more-than-thought collective Journal Article

In: EASST Review, vol. 38, no. 2, 2019.


Patrick Bieler, Martina Klausner

Niching in cities under pressure. Tracing the reconfiguration of community psychiatric care and the housing market in Berlin Journal Article

In: Geoforum, vol. 101, pp. 202-211, 2019.

Abstract | Links

Christine Schmid, Sebastian von Peter

Teilnehmende Beobachtung im Kontext qualitativer sozialpsychiatrischer Forschung Book Section

In: Silvia Krumm, Reinhold Kilian, Heiko Löwenstein (Ed.): Qualitative Forschung in der Sozialpsychiatrie, pp. 162-172, Psychiatrie Verlag, Köln, 2019, ISBN: 9783884146866.


Ruzana Liburkina

Verantwortungsübernahme praxistheoretisch gedacht: Verhältnis von Handlungs- und Verantwortungsträgerschaft in der Auditkultur Journal Article

In: RphZ Rechtsphilosophie, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 170-184, 2019, ISSN: 2364-1355.


Patrick Bieler, Martina Klausner

Iterative Go-alongs: Eine ethnografische Methode zur Erforschung des Zusammenspiels von psychischen Beeinträchtigungen und städtischer Umwelt Book Section

In: Silvia Krumm, Reinhold Kilian, Heiko Löwenstein (Ed.): Qualitative Forschung in der Sozialpsychiatrie, pp. 173-183, Psychiatrie Verlag, Köln, 2019, ISBN: 9783884146866.


Petra Beck

Capitalisme sentimental Book Section

In: Martina Nußbaumer, Peter Stuiber/Museum Wien (Ed.): Wo Dinge wohnen. Das Phänomen Selfstorage, Park Books, Zürich, 2019.


Petra Beck

Orte der Diskretion Book Section

In: Martina Nußbaumer, Peter Stuiber/Museum Wien (Ed.): Wo Dinge wohnen. Das Phänomen Selfstorage, Park Books, Zürich, 2019.



Marc Lange, Marie-Louise Breinlinger-O'Reilly, Lou Klappenbach, Alexander Bankhofer

Nutzungskonflikte in der Nördlichen Luisenstadt in Berlin: Abschlussbericht der Untersuchung zu Nutzungskonflikten in der Nördlichen Luisenstadt Miscellaneous

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2018.

Abstract | Links

Anja Klein

Knowledge Practices in the Modelling of "Socio-Ecological Coevolutions": On Simplification, Experimentation, Visualization and Alignment Masters Thesis

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, 2018.

Abstract | Links

Patrick Bieler, Jonna Josties, Ruzana Liburkina, Julie Sascia Mewes, Martina Klausner, Anja Klein, Jörg Niewöhner, Christine Schmid, Tim Seitz

Assembling Comparators – Assembling Reflexivities Journal Article

In: Science as Culture, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 563-568, 2018.

Abstract | Links

Stefan Reinsch, Jörg Niewöhner, Doris Staab

The Ecology of Care in Cystic Fibrosis. Identification, decision making and learning in a community living and working with a rare chronic illness Journal Article

In: Curare – Journal of Medical Anthropology, vol. 41, no. 1+2, pp. 111-129, 2018.

Marc Lange

Fachspezifische Informationen zu Open Access: Sozial- und kulturanthropologische Fächer (Ethnologie) Online

Informationsplattform Open Access (, 2018, (also available in English as "Open access in individual disciplines: Social and Cultural Anthropology Disciplines (Ethnology)").

Abstract | Links

Jörg Niewöhner, Margaret Lock

Situating local biologies: Anthropological perspectives on environment/human entanglements Journal Article

In: BioSocieties, 2018, (pre-published).


Maren Klotz (Ed.)

Transparenz: Schlüsselbegriff einer Anthropologie der Gegenwart Collection

Panama Verlag, Berlin, 2018.


Maren Klotz

Durchsicht: Transparenz als ethnographischer Forschungsgegenstand Book Section

In: Maren Klotz (Ed.): Transparenz: Schlüsselbegriff einer Anthropologie der Gegenwart, Panama Verlag, Berlin, 2018.

Franz Schug, Akpona Okujeni, Janine Hauer, Patrick Hostert, Jonas Østergaard Nielsen, Sebastian van der Linden

Mapping patterns of urban development in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, using machine learning regression modeling with bi-seasonal Landsat time series Journal Article

In: Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 210, pp. 217–228, 2018.

Abstract | Links

Janine Hauer, Jonas Østergaard Nielsen, Jörg Niewöhner

Landscapes of hoping: Urban expansion and emerging futures in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Journal Article

In: Anthropological Theory, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 59–80, 2018.

Abstract | Links

Milena D. Bister

The concept of chronicity in action: Everyday classification practices and the shaping of mental health care Journal Article

In: Sociology of Health & Illness, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 38–52, 2018, (online version published on October 5, 2017).

Abstract | Links

Maren Heibges, Martina Klausner, Jörg Niewöhner

Umgang mit Unsicherheiten in der Technikentwicklung – ein sozialanthropologischer Einwurf Book Section

In: Tobias Redlich, Robert Weidner, Markus Langenfeld (Ed.): Unsicherheiten der Technikentwicklung, pp. 76–89, Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, 2018.


Martina Klausner

Calculating Therapeutic Compliance. An Ethnographic Account of Numerical Inference and Interference in Mobile Health Care Journal Article

In: Science & Technology Studies, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 30-51, 2018.


Martina Klausner

Wie man lernt gerade zu sein. Mensch-Technik-Beziehungen in der orthopädischen Behandlung Book Section

In: Sabine Wöhlke, Anna Palm (Ed.): Mensch-Technik-Interaktion in medikalisierten Alltagen, pp. 51-63, Universitätsverlag, Göttingen, 2018.

Josefine Raasch

Editorial – Introducing students of STS into engaging with differences generatively Journal Article

In: EASST Review, vol. 37, no. 1, 2018.


Adina Dymczyk, Anja Schwalbe

Einsichtige Arbeitszeit | Transparenz in der elektronischen Personalzeiterfassung Book Section

In: Maren Heibges (Ed.): Transparenz. Schlüsselbegriff einer politischen Anthropologie der Gegenwart, pp. 76-91, Panama, Berlin, 2018.


Patrick Bieler, Jörg Niewöhner

Universal Biology, Local Society?: Notes from Anthropology Book Section

In: Maurizio Meloni, John Cromby, Des Fitzgerald, Stephanie Lloyd (Ed.): The Palgrave Handbook of Biology and Society, pp. 641–662, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2017.

Abstract | Links

Julie Sascia Mewes, Michelle L. Elliot, Kim Lee

Cutting through the layers: Alternating perspectives and co-laborative analytic approaches to understanding occupation and its objects Journal Article

In: Journal of Occupational Science, 2017.

Abstract | Links

Jörg Niewöhner

Phänomenographie: Sinn-volle Ethnographie jenseits des menschlichen Maßstabs Book Section

In: Karl Braun, Claus-Marco Dieterich, Thomas Hengartner, Bernhard Tschofen (Ed.): Kulturen der Sinne: Zugänge zur Sensualität der sozialen Welt, pp. 78–95, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 2017.


Sebastian von Peter, Patrick Bieler

How to Study Chronic Diseases: Implications of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for Research Designs Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Public Health, vol. 5, 2017.

Abstract | Links

Tim Seitz

Design Thinking und der neue Geist des Kapitalismus: Soziologische Betrachtungen einer Innovationskultur Book

Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2017.

Abstract | Links

Julie Sascia Mewes, Estrid Sørensen (Ed.)

Ethnographies of Objects in Science and Technology Studies Collection

Bochum, 2017.


Julie Sascia Mewes, Estrid Sørensen

The Things to Come – Ethnographies of Objects: Descriptive and Analytical Approaches in Science & Technology Studies Book Section

In: Julie Sascia Mewes, Estrid Sørensen (Ed.): Ethnographies of Objects in Science and Technology Studies, pp. 1–7, Bochum, 2017.


Ruzana Liburkina, Jörg Niewöhner

Laborstudien Book Section

In: Susanne Bauer, Torsten Heinemann, Thomas Lemke (Ed.): Science and Technology Studies: Klassische Positionen und aktuelle Perspektiven, pp. 173–197, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main, 2017.


Jörg Niewöhner, Stefan Beck

Embodying Practices: The Human Body as Matter (of Concern) in Social Thought Book Section

In: Michael Jonas, Beate Littig, Angela Wroblewski (Ed.): Practice Theories and Their Methodologies, pp. 63–77, Springer, 2017.

Abstract | Links

Patrick Bieler

Developing a Relational Perspective on Urban Mental Health Journal Article

In: GeoAgenda, no. 2, pp. 20–21, 2017.


Martina Klausner, Maren Klotz (Ed.)

Stadt erfahren: Ethnografische Explorationen urbaner Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen Collection

Panama Verlag, Berlin, 2017.

Abstract | Links

Maren Heibges, Martina Klausner

Wie erfährt man Stadt?: Europäisch-Ethnologische Perspektiven auf urbane Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen Book Section

In: Martina Klausner, Maren Heibges (Ed.): Stadt erfahren: Ethnografische Explorationen urbaner Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen, pp. 7–19, Panama Verlag, Berlin, 2017.


Jörg Niewöhner

„Praktiken, die sich zu Städten fügen“ Book Section

In: Martina Klausner, Maren Heibges (Ed.): Stadt erfahren: Ethnografische Explorationen urbaner Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen, pp. 39–43, Panama Verlag, Berlin, 2017, (Interview).


Martina Klausner, Sebastian Golla

Reasonable Expectations of Data Protection in Telerehabilitation — A Legal and Anthropological Perspective on Intelligent Orthoses Book Section

In: Ronald Leenes, Rosamunde van Brakel, Serge Gutwirth, Paul de Hert (Ed.): Data Protection and Privacy. The Age of Intelligent Machines, pp. 167-191, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2017.


Stefan Beck, Michi Knecht

“Crisis” in Social Anthropology: Rethinking a Missing Concept Book Section

In: Andreas Schwarz, Matthew W. Seeger, Claudia Auer (Ed.): The Handbook of International Crisis Communication Research, pp. 56–65, Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, 2016.


Sebastian von Peter, Alexandre Wullschleger, Lieselotte Mahler, Ingrid Munk, Manfred Zaumseil, Jörg Niewöhner, Martina Klausner, Milena Bister, Andreas Heinz, Stefan Beck

Chronizität im Alltag der psychiatrischen Versorgung: Eine Forschungskollaboration zwischen Sozialpsychiatrie und Europäischer Ethnologie Journal Article

In: Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 7–18, 2016.

Abstract | Links

Jörg Niewöhner, Patrick Bieler, Maren Heibges, Martina Klausner

Phenomenography: Relational Investigations into Modes of Being-in-the-World Journal Article

In: The Cyprus Review, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 67–84, 2016.


Stefan Reinsch, Jörg Niewöhner, Doris Staab

When Care Strikes Back: Some Strategies and Tactics for Dealing with Ambivalence of Visibility in Chronic Illness Journal Article

In: Irish Journal of Anthropology, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 82–90, 2016.


Jörg Niewöhner, Antje Bruns, Patrick Hostert, Tobias Krueger, Jonas Østergaard Nielsen, Helmut Haberl, Christian Lauk, Juliana Lutz, Daniel Müller (Ed.)

Land Use Competition: Ecological, Economic and Social Perspectives Collection

Springer, 2016.

Abstract | Links

Jörg Niewöhner, Antje Bruns, Helmut Haberl, Patrick Hostert, Tobias Krueger, Christian Lauk, Juliana Lutz, Daniel Müller, Jonas Østergaard Nielsen

Land Use Competition: Ecological, Economic and Social Perspectives Book Section

In: Jörg Niewöhner, Antje Bruns, Patrick Hostert, Tobias Krueger, Jonas Østergaard Nielsen, Helmut Haberl, Christian Lauk, Juliana Lutz, Daniel Müller (Ed.): Land Use Competition: Ecological, Economic and Social Perspectives, pp. 1–17, Springer, 2016.

Abstract | Links

Jörg Niewöhner, Jonas Østergaard Nielsen, Ignacio Gasparri, Yaqing Gou, Mads Hauge, Neha Joshi, Anke Schaffartzik, Frank Sejersen, Karen C. Seto, Chris Shughrue

Conceptualizing Distal Drivers in Land Use Competition Book Section

In: Jörg Niewöhner, Antje Bruns, Patrick Hostert, Tobias Krueger, Jonas Østergaard Nielsen, Helmut Haberl, Christian Lauk, Juliana Lutz, Daniel Müller (Ed.): Land Use Competition: Ecological, Economic and Social Perspectives, pp. 21–40, Springer, 2016.

Abstract | Links

Jörg Niewöhner

Co-laborative anthropology: Crafting reflexivities experimentally Book Section

In: Jukka Jouhki, Tytti Steel (Ed.): Etnologinen tulkinta ja analyysi: Kohti avoimempaa tutkimusprosessia, pp. 81–125, Ethnos, Tallinn, 2016, (The title given here is a translation of the original Finnish title.).


Milena Bister, Martina Klausner, Jörg Niewöhner

The cosmopolitics of "niching": Rendering the city habitable along infrastructures of mental health care Book Section

In: Anders Blok, Ignacio Farías (Ed.): Urban Cosmopolitics: Agencements, Assemblies, Atmospheres, pp. 187–206, Routledge, Abingdon and New York, 2016.


Maren Klotz

Wayward Relations: Novel Searches of the Donor-Conceived for Genetic Kinship Journal Article

In: Medical Anthropology, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 45–57, 2016.

Abstract | Links

Martina Klausner

„Wenn mann den Boden unter den Füßen nicht mehr spürt“: Körperlichkeit in der Herstellung psychischer In/Stabilität Book Section

In: Katrin Amelang, Sven Bergmann, Beate Binder, Anna-Carolina Vogel, Nadine Wagener-Böck (Ed.): Körpertechnologien: Ethnografische und gendertheoretische Perspektiven, pp. 126–136, Panama Verlag, Berlin, 2016.


Stefan Beck

The Loving Care of Postcolonial Subjects: Doctors, Medicine and Epidemiological Interventions in Cyprus Journal Article

In: The Cyprus Review, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 99–120, 2016.

Christina Loizou, Constantinos Phellas, Stefan Beck, Maria Karekla, Michalis Talias, Soteroulla Christou, Natalia Michaelidou, Costas S. Constantinou

How Life Would Be Without Thalassaemia: Patients' Perceptions Journal Article

In: The Cyprus Review, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 31–48, 2016.

Alexandre Wullschleger, Ruzana Liburkina, Christian Kieser, Andreas Heinz, Sebastian von Peter

Die Aktualisierung von Alkoholabhängigkeit: Ein praxistheoretischer Blick auf die Handlungsbedingungen in Forschung und Versorgung Journal Article

In: Psychologie & Gesellschaftskritik, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 29–48, 2016.

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