Jörg Niewöhner, Thomas Scheffer
Introduction Journal Article
In: Comparative Sociology, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 273–285, 2008.
title = {Introduction},
author = {Jörg Niewöhner and Thomas Scheffer},
url = {https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/handle/18452/20140},
doi = {10.1163/156913308X306627},
year = {2008},
date = {2008-01-01},
journal = {Comparative Sociology},
volume = {7},
number = {3},
pages = {273--285},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Jörg Niewöhner
Das metabolische Syndrom im Alltag: translation im Zeitalter von Biosozialität Book Section
In: Henning Schmidt-Semisch, Friedrich Schorb (Ed.): Kreuzzug gegen Fette: Sozialwissenschaftliche Aspekte des gesellschaftlichen Umgangs mit Übergewicht und Adipositas, pp. 191–206, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden, 2008.
title = {Das metabolische Syndrom im Alltag: translation im Zeitalter von Biosozialität},
author = {Jörg Niewöhner},
editor = {Henning Schmidt-Semisch and Friedrich Schorb},
url = {https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/handle/18452/20132},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-531-90800-7_12},
year = {2008},
date = {2008-01-01},
booktitle = {Kreuzzug gegen Fette: Sozialwissenschaftliche Aspekte des gesellschaftlichen Umgangs mit Übergewicht und Adipositas},
pages = {191--206},
publisher = {VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften},
address = {Wiesbaden},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Veronika Lipphardt, Jörg Niewöhner
Unterscheiden -- biohistorische Narrative und Praxen menschlicher Diversität Book Section
In: Karl-Siegbert Rehberg (Ed.): Die Natur der Gesellschaft: Verhandlungen des 33. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Kassel 2006, pp. 1157–1182, Campus, Frankfurt am Main, 2008.
title = {Unterscheiden -- biohistorische Narrative und Praxen menschlicher Diversität},
author = {Veronika Lipphardt and Jörg Niewöhner},
editor = {Karl-Siegbert Rehberg},
url = {https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/handle/18452/20104},
year = {2008},
date = {2008-01-01},
booktitle = {Die Natur der Gesellschaft: Verhandlungen des 33. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Kassel 2006},
pages = {1157--1182},
publisher = {Campus},
address = {Frankfurt am Main},
series = {Soziologiekongressband},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Stefan Beck
Natur | Kultur: Überlegungen zu einer relationalen Anthropologie Journal Article
In: Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, vol. 104, no. 2, pp. 161–199, 2008.
title = {Natur | Kultur: Überlegungen zu einer relationalen Anthropologie},
author = {Stefan Beck},
url = {https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/handle/18452/20310
year = {2008},
date = {2008-01-01},
journal = {Zeitschrift für Volkskunde},
volume = {104},
number = {2},
pages = {161--199},
abstract = {Taking its departure from recent calls to „unify" the sciences of nature, society and culture, or at least „to bridge the gap" between these fields of inquiry, the article critically reviews these propositions, mainly suggested by biologists, neurologists, evolutionary biologists or evolutionary psychologists. These motions can be interpreted as an overdue reaction to perceived shortfalls of the dominant paradigms in the life sciences – namely genetic or molecular approaches – to cogently explain phenomena like complex diseases, organism-environment interactions, or „psycho-somatic" phenomena. However, the suggested recourse to expand reductionistic epistemologies to social or cultural domains in order to „bridge the gap" will be futile - as will be the insistence on „holistic" approaches on the part of the humanities. Instead, the article argues that the history of socio-cultural anthropology / ethnology is rich in theoretic concepts to think about the interrelations of nature and culture. Starting from Rudolf Virchows concept of plasticity, Franz Boas' notion of a somatic anthropology, and Marcel Mauss' analysis of the cultured body, the article takes up recent ideas from anthropology, sociology, epidemiology and epigenetics to develop conceptual tools for a relational anthropology that will afford to analyze bodies as „naturecultural" .},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Martin Lengwiler, Stefan Beck
Historizität, Materialität und Hybridität von Wissenspraxen: Die Entwicklung europäischer Präventionsregime im 20. Jahrhundert Journal Article
In: Geschichte und Gesellschaft, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 489–523, 2008.
title = {Historizität, Materialität und Hybridität von Wissenspraxen: Die Entwicklung europäischer Präventionsregime im 20. Jahrhundert},
author = {Martin Lengwiler and Stefan Beck},
url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/40732465},
year = {2008},
date = {2008-01-01},
journal = {Geschichte und Gesellschaft},
volume = {34},
number = {4},
pages = {489--523},
abstract = {This article analyses the emergence of European regimes of prevention by focussing on the history of knowledge-related practices as a distinctly modern form of social and political rationality in Western Europe. While the targets, means, logics and institutional forms of preventative interventions differ significantly in European national contexts, the authors also trace the elements of a convergent trajectory in the development of prevention regimes. Based on a case study on Cyprus, the article also highlights how European colonies provided a crucial "laboratory" for the development of innovative approaches to prevention, revealing a "histoire croisée" of prevention practices.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Milena D. Bister, Ulrike Felt, Michael Strassnig und Ursula Wagner
Zeit und Partizipation im transdisziplinären Forschungsprozess Book Section
In: Elisabeth Reitinger (Ed.): Transdisziplinäre Praxis: Forschen im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen, pp. 35–46, Carl-Auer, Heidelberg, 2008.
title = {Zeit und Partizipation im transdisziplinären Forschungsprozess},
author = {Milena D. Bister and Ulrike Felt and Michael Strassnig und Ursula Wagner},
editor = {Elisabeth Reitinger},
year = {2008},
date = {2008-01-01},
booktitle = {Transdisziplinäre Praxis: Forschen im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen},
pages = {35--46},
publisher = {Carl-Auer},
address = {Heidelberg},
chapter = {3},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Veronika Lipphardt, Jörg Niewöhner
Producing difference in an age of biosociality: Biohistorical narratives, standardisation and resistance as translations Journal Article
In: Science, Technology & Innovation Studies, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 45–65, 2007.
title = {Producing difference in an age of biosociality: Biohistorical narratives, standardisation and resistance as translations},
author = {Veronika Lipphardt and Jörg Niewöhner},
doi = {10.17877/DE290R-979},
year = {2007},
date = {2007-01-01},
journal = {Science, Technology & Innovation Studies},
volume = {3},
number = {1},
pages = {45--65},
abstract = {This paper brings together thinking from the history of science, science and technology studies and social/cultural anthropology to better understand how human diversity is handled in everyday practices in science and beyond. Our aim is to take the social and historical contingency of practice as a starting point and to focus on the patterning of practice, which arises from the constraints of socio-material alignments and leads to the co-production of diversity.
Under the headings of race and ethnicity, sorting practices with regards to human diversity have been at the centre of anthropological thinking and critique since the age of Enlightenment. Constructivist critique has insisted on understanding "race" as a social construct and warned of reifying differences of a socio-cultural making. This critique has so far not been particularly fruitful in dealing with human biological difference as produced in different everyday practices in science and beyond.
Recently, molecular genetics have reinvigorated the interest to stratify human populations into subpopulations to improve drug development and targeting, to ascertain vulnerabilities and plasticity, to adjust nutritional intake or therapeutic strategies or to trace ethnic ancestries. We suggest that the shortcomings of constructivist critique in the face of these latest developments are due to its focus on theoretical concepts and self-descriptions rather than the practices and their implicit logics within and outside science proper. By employing Hacking's concepts of 'making up people' and 'looping', Rabinow's 'biosociality', as well as Callon's concept of 'translation', we hope to show the interactive dynamics of classification and response which take place at the interface between different knowledge practices. We trace translations through the life sciences into clinical practice and beyond into different social constellations, involving medical practice, made-up people and social bodies in order to show how human diversity is produced in practice. We put an emphasis on the different roles that biohistorical narratives, standardised packages and forms of resistance and appropriation play within these constellations.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Under the headings of race and ethnicity, sorting practices with regards to human diversity have been at the centre of anthropological thinking and critique since the age of Enlightenment. Constructivist critique has insisted on understanding "race" as a social construct and warned of reifying differences of a socio-cultural making. This critique has so far not been particularly fruitful in dealing with human biological difference as produced in different everyday practices in science and beyond.
Recently, molecular genetics have reinvigorated the interest to stratify human populations into subpopulations to improve drug development and targeting, to ascertain vulnerabilities and plasticity, to adjust nutritional intake or therapeutic strategies or to trace ethnic ancestries. We suggest that the shortcomings of constructivist critique in the face of these latest developments are due to its focus on theoretical concepts and self-descriptions rather than the practices and their implicit logics within and outside science proper. By employing Hacking's concepts of 'making up people' and 'looping', Rabinow's 'biosociality', as well as Callon's concept of 'translation', we hope to show the interactive dynamics of classification and response which take place at the interface between different knowledge practices. We trace translations through the life sciences into clinical practice and beyond into different social constellations, involving medical practice, made-up people and social bodies in order to show how human diversity is produced in practice. We put an emphasis on the different roles that biohistorical narratives, standardised packages and forms of resistance and appropriation play within these constellations.
Stefan Beck, Nevim Cil, Sabine Hess, Maren Klotz, Michi Knecht (Ed.)
Verwandtschaft machen: Reproduktionsmedizin und Adoption in Deutschland und der Türkei Collection
LIT Verlag, Berlin, 2007.
title = {Verwandtschaft machen: Reproduktionsmedizin und Adoption in Deutschland und der Türkei},
editor = {Stefan Beck and Nevim Cil and Sabine Hess and Maren Klotz and Michi Knecht},
url = {http://lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-8258-0422-0
year = {2007},
date = {2007-01-01},
publisher = {LIT Verlag},
address = {Berlin},
series = {Berliner Blätter},
abstract = {Wer sich aus ethnologischer Perspektive mit Verwandtschaft beschäftigt, fragt nach den Grundlagen gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhaltes, nach der Art und Beschaffenheit des "sozialen Kitts". Im Mittelpunkt dieses Bandes stehen Formen von Verwandtschaft, die durch Adoption oder durch die Nutzung assistierender Reproduktionstechnologien herbeigeführt werden. Diese Verwandtschaftsformen werden als „Aktiva“ verstanden: als Ergebnis von Handlungen. Die Fragestellung lautet nicht „Wie ist oder wie wird man verwandt?“, sondern „Wie macht man Verwandte und Verwandtschaft?“ Ethnographisch erforscht und beschrieben werden Routinen, die unterschiedliche Akteure im Umfeld von Berliner Kinderwunschpraxen und Istanbuler Tüp bebek Kliniken entwickeln, präzedenzlose Entscheidungen, die in Beratungsstellen für Regenbogenfamilien oder in Selbsthilfeorganisationen ungewollt Kinderloser getroffen werden, Akte des Austausches und der Kommunikation, durch die transnationale Netzwerke und Spielräume entstehen. Wissen um Gesetze und Genetik sowie Nicht-Wissen, beispielsweise um die Identität anonymer Spender, spielt bei diesen Projekten des Verwandtschaft-Machens eine konstitutive Rolle, aber auch materielle Infrastrukturen und transnationale Mobilität. Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse, die auf Adoption beruhen oder durch Technologien ermöglicht werden, stehen jedoch keineswegs in einem Gegensatz zu „normaler“ oder „natürlicher“ Verwandtschaft. Sie verdeutlichen lediglich in besonderer Art und Weise den Herstellungscharakter, welcher der sozialen Form „Verwandtschaft“ immer innewohnt.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {collection}
Maren Klotz
Doing Kinship in British Parliament: Selfish Parents -- Disruptive Children? Book Section
In: Stefan Beck, Nevim Cil, Sabine Hess, Maren Klotz, Michi Knecht (Ed.): Verwandtschaft machen: Reproduktionsmedizin und Adoption in Deutschland und der Türkei, pp. 80–91, LIT Verlag, Berlin, 2007.
title = {Doing Kinship in British Parliament: Selfish Parents -- Disruptive Children?},
author = {Maren Klotz},
editor = {Stefan Beck and Nevim Cil and Sabine Hess and Maren Klotz and Michi Knecht},
url = {http://lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-8258-0422-0},
year = {2007},
date = {2007-01-01},
booktitle = {Verwandtschaft machen: Reproduktionsmedizin und Adoption in Deutschland und der Türkei},
pages = {80--91},
publisher = {LIT Verlag},
address = {Berlin},
series = {Berliner Blätter},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Stefan Beck
In: Regula Valérie Burri, Joseph Dumit (Ed.): Biomedicine as Culture: Instrumental Practices, Technoscientific Knowledge, and New Modes of Life, pp. 17–33, Routledge, New York, 2007.
title = {Medicalizing culture(s) or culturalizing medicine(s): Instrumental Practices, Technoscientific Knowledge, and New Modes of Life},
author = {Stefan Beck},
editor = {Regula Valérie Burri and Joseph Dumit},
url = {https://www.routledge.com/Biomedicine-as-Culture-Instrumental-Practices-Technoscientific-Knowledge/Burri-Dumit/p/book/9780415957984},
year = {2007},
date = {2007-01-01},
booktitle = {Biomedicine as Culture: Instrumental Practices, Technoscientific Knowledge, and New Modes of Life},
pages = {17--33},
publisher = {Routledge},
address = {New York},
series = {Routledge Studies in Science, Technology and Society},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Michi Knecht, Stefan Beck, Sabine Hess
Verwandtschaft machen: Einleitung Book Section
In: Stefan Beck, Nevim Cil, Sabine Hess, Maren Klotz, Michi Knecht (Ed.): Verwandtschaft machen: Reproduktionsmedizin und Adoption in Deutschland und der Türkei, pp. 7–11, LIT Verlag, Berlin, 2007.
title = {Verwandtschaft machen: Einleitung},
author = {Michi Knecht and Stefan Beck and Sabine Hess},
editor = {Stefan Beck and Nevim Cil and Sabine Hess and Maren Klotz and Michi Knecht},
url = {http://lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-8258-0422-0},
year = {2007},
date = {2007-01-01},
booktitle = {Verwandtschaft machen: Reproduktionsmedizin und Adoption in Deutschland und der Türkei},
pages = {7--11},
publisher = {LIT Verlag},
address = {Berlin},
series = {Berliner Blätter},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Stefan Beck, Sabine Hess, Michi Knecht
Verwandtschaft neu ordnen: Herausforderungen durch Reproduktionstechnologien und Transnationalisierung Book Section
In: Stefan Beck, Nevim Cil, Sabine Hess, Maren Klotz, Michi Knecht (Ed.): Verwandtschaft machen: Reproduktionsmedizin und Adoption in Deutschland und der Türkei, pp. 12–31, LIT Verlag, Berlin, 2007.
title = {Verwandtschaft neu ordnen: Herausforderungen durch Reproduktionstechnologien und Transnationalisierung},
author = {Stefan Beck and Sabine Hess and Michi Knecht},
editor = {Stefan Beck and Nevim Cil and Sabine Hess and Maren Klotz and Michi Knecht},
url = {http://lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-8258-0422-0},
year = {2007},
date = {2007-01-01},
booktitle = {Verwandtschaft machen: Reproduktionsmedizin und Adoption in Deutschland und der Türkei},
pages = {12--31},
publisher = {LIT Verlag},
address = {Berlin},
series = {Berliner Blätter},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Stefan Beck
Globalisierte Reproduktionsregimes: Anmerkungen zur Emergenz biopolitischer Handlungsräume Book Section
In: Stefan Beck, Nevim Cil, Sabine Hess, Maren Klotz, Michi Knecht (Ed.): Verwandtschaft machen: Reproduktionsmedizin und Adoption in Deutschland und der Türkei, pp. 124–151, LIT Verlag, Berlin, 2007.
title = {Globalisierte Reproduktionsregimes: Anmerkungen zur Emergenz biopolitischer Handlungsräume},
author = {Stefan Beck},
editor = {Stefan Beck and Nevim Cil and Sabine Hess and Maren Klotz and Michi Knecht},
url = {http://lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-8258-0422-0},
year = {2007},
date = {2007-01-01},
booktitle = {Verwandtschaft machen: Reproduktionsmedizin und Adoption in Deutschland und der Türkei},
pages = {124--151},
publisher = {LIT Verlag},
address = {Berlin},
series = {Berliner Blätter},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Stefan Beck
Gedächtnisse des Körpers: Zum Konzept der Haut als Transaktionszone zwischen Natur und Kultur Book Section
In: Jörn Ahrens, Mirjam Biermann, Georg Toepfer (Ed.): Die Diffusion des Humanen: Grenzregime zwischen Leben und Kulturen, pp. 31–51, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2007.
title = {Gedächtnisse des Körpers: Zum Konzept der Haut als Transaktionszone zwischen Natur und Kultur},
author = {Stefan Beck},
editor = {Jörn Ahrens and Mirjam Biermann and Georg Toepfer},
url = {https://www.peterlang.com/view/product/59581},
year = {2007},
date = {2007-01-01},
booktitle = {Die Diffusion des Humanen: Grenzregime zwischen Leben und Kulturen},
pages = {31--51},
publisher = {Peter Lang},
address = {Frankfurt am Main},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Stefan Beck
Die liebevolle Behandlung postkolonialer Subjekte: Medizin(er) und epidemiologische Intervention in Zypern Book Section
In: Bernd Jürgen Warneken (Ed.): Volksfreunde: Historische Varianten sozialen Engagements, pp. 319–338, Tübinger Vereinigung für Volkskunde, Tübingen, 2007.
title = {Die liebevolle Behandlung postkolonialer Subjekte: Medizin(er) und epidemiologische Intervention in Zypern},
author = {Stefan Beck},
editor = {Bernd Jürgen Warneken},
url = {http://tvv-verlag.de/publikationen/volksfreunde-historische-varianten-sozialen-engagements/},
year = {2007},
date = {2007-01-01},
booktitle = {Volksfreunde: Historische Varianten sozialen Engagements},
pages = {319--338},
publisher = {Tübinger Vereinigung für Volkskunde},
address = {Tübingen},
series = {Untersuchungen des Ludwig-Uhland-Instituts der Universität Tübingen},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Jörg Niewöhner
Forschungsschwerpunkt Präventives Selbst: Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen im Jahr der Geisteswissenschaften Journal Article
In: Humboldt-Spektrum, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 34–37, 2007.
title = {Forschungsschwerpunkt Präventives Selbst: Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen im Jahr der Geisteswissenschaften},
author = {Jörg Niewöhner},
url = {https://www.hu-berlin.de/de/forschung/szf/forschungsmanagement/veroeffentlichungen/spektrum/sp_07_01_html#S5
year = {2007},
date = {2007-01-01},
journal = {Humboldt-Spektrum},
volume = {14},
number = {1},
pages = {34--37},
abstract = {Sicherlich ist auch bei Ihnen in den letzten Monaten ein Brief von Ihrer Krankenkasse eingetroffen, die Ihnen anbietet, an einem Bonusprogramm teilzunehmen: Sie halten sich fit, am besten mit Hilfe eines Präventionsprogramms, das auf Ernährung und Bewegung abzielt, und bekommen dafür am Jahresende von Ihrer Kasse eine kleine Prämie. Haben Sie sich schon überlegt, warum das passiert, was Sie davon halten und wie Sie darauf reagieren werden? Wie sehr beeinflusst denn Ihre zukünftige Gesundheit Ihren Alltag? Was weiß die Medizin, dass Prävention plötzlich so unheimlich wichtig für uns sein soll? Und ist das immer schon so gewesen oder verändert es uns als Mensch? Dies sind aktuelle Fragen, denen sich der interdisziplinäre »Forschungsschwerpunkt: Präventives Selbst« in den nächsten drei Jahren am Beispiel von Herz-Kreislaufprävention widmen wird.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Maren Klotz
In: Stefan Beck, Nevim Cil, Sabine Hess (Ed.): Verwandtschaft machen: Reproduktionsmedizin und Adoption in Deutschland und der Türkei, pp. 160–168, LIT Verlag, Berlin, 2007.
title = {Globalverwandtschaft: Im Gespräch mit Edith Hufnagel, Adoptivmutter und Vorstandsmitglied der Auslandsadoptionsvermittlungsstelle Eltern-Kind-Brücke},
author = {Maren Klotz},
editor = {Stefan Beck and Nevim Cil and Sabine Hess},
url = {http://lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-8258-0422-0},
year = {2007},
date = {2007-01-01},
booktitle = {Verwandtschaft machen: Reproduktionsmedizin und Adoption in Deutschland und der Türkei},
pages = {160–168},
publisher = {LIT Verlag},
address = {Berlin},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Jörg Niewöhner, Christof Tannert (Ed.)
Gene Therapy: Prospective Technology Assessment in its Societal Context Collection
Elsevier, Amsterdam and Kidlington, 2006.
title = {Gene Therapy: Prospective Technology Assessment in its Societal Context},
editor = {Jörg Niewöhner and Christof Tannert},
url = {https://www.elsevier.com/books/gene-therapy-prospective-technology-assessment-in-its-societal-context/niewohner/978-0-444-52806-3},
year = {2006},
date = {2006-07-21},
publisher = {Elsevier},
address = {Amsterdam and Kidlington},
abstract = {This book presents work that has been conducted as part of the research project "Discourse on ethical questions of biomedicine" of the interdisciplinary Working Group Bioethics and Science Communication at the Max-Delbrueck-Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC)in Berlin-Buch, Germany. This book offers ground-breaking ideas on how the daily interworking of cutting-edge biomedical research assess the broader social context and its communication to stakeholders and the public. Editors cover three aspects: Scientific, Ethical and Legal, and Perception and Communication. This work establishes an international and interdisciplinary network of excellent researchers at the beginning of their careers, who brilliantly integrate their work into the different perspectives on gene therapy from the natural and social sciences, as well as the humanities and law.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {collection}
Jörg Niewöhner, Christof Tannert
Building Interdisciplinarity in Research on Gene Therapy Book Section
In: Jörg Niewöhner, Christof Tannert (Ed.): Gene Therapy: Prospective Technology Assessment in its Societal Context, pp. xiii–xix, Elsevier, Amsterdam and Kidlington, 2006, (Editorial).
title = {Building Interdisciplinarity in Research on Gene Therapy},
author = {Jörg Niewöhner and Christof Tannert},
editor = {Jörg Niewöhner and Christof Tannert},
url = {https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/handle/18452/20134},
doi = {10.1016/B978-044452806-3/50001-9},
year = {2006},
date = {2006-07-21},
booktitle = {Gene Therapy: Prospective Technology Assessment in its Societal Context},
pages = {xiii--xix},
publisher = {Elsevier},
address = {Amsterdam and Kidlington},
note = {Editorial},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Stefan Beck, Jörg Niewöhner
Somatographic Investigations Across Levels of Complexity Journal Article
In: BioSocieties, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 219–227, 2006.
title = {Somatographic Investigations Across Levels of Complexity},
author = {Stefan Beck and Jörg Niewöhner},
url = {https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/handle/18452/20137},
doi = {10.1017/S1745855206050113},
year = {2006},
date = {2006-06-01},
journal = {BioSocieties},
volume = {1},
number = {2},
pages = {219--227},
abstract = {The methods and theoretical repertoire of the biomedical sciences are undergoing rapid change fuelled, first and foremost, by advances in genomics and molecular biology. At the same time, social and environmental phenomena are being incorporated in new ways into medical frames of reference affecting professional practice as well as regimes of prevention and health promotion. In turn, these developments impact upon the social sciences and humanities concerned with new forms of dynamic corporealities in social and medical practice. This article outlines in a programmatic fashion three sets of issues that are likely to acquire significant relevance in this context: (1) looping effects will emerge along different pathways between medical diagnosis, selfhood, social practice and the body itself. The investigation of these dynamic interactions has so far received little attention in the social sciences and will require the development of a different methodological approach to do justice to different kinds of data and long-term effects. (2) Advances in the understanding of epigenetic regulation have begun to fundamentally change notions of inheritance and development and to differentiate the central dogma of genetics (DNA makes RNA makes Protein), with significant implications for notions of inter- and intra-generational responsibility and biographical time regimes. (3) The incorporation of 'things social' into medical domains is being taken to a new level of significance, fuelled by a number of fundamental shifts in medical reasoning and practice. The social sciences' current focus on (epi)genetics can only be a starting point for a broader interdisciplinary agenda to better understand the pathways through which 'the social and cul- tural' enters the body. The final section of this article discusses somatography as a practice-oriented approach attempting to address some of these issues in a symmetrical investigation across epistemic cultures.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Stefan Beck
Probleme der Privatisierung von Wissen: Multidisziplinäre Beiträge zu neuen Praxen des Wissenstransfers Book Section
In: Gertraud Koch (Ed.): Internationalisierung von Wissen: Multidisziplinäre Beiträge zu neuen Praxen des Wissenstransfers, pp. 91–125, Röhrig Universitätsverlag, St. Ingbert, 2006.
title = {Probleme der Privatisierung von Wissen: Multidisziplinäre Beiträge zu neuen Praxen des Wissenstransfers},
author = {Stefan Beck},
editor = {Gertraud Koch},
url = {http://www.roehrig-verlag.de/products/Kommunikation/Kommunikationswissenschaft-Interkulturelle-Kommunikation/Wissen-Kultur-Kommunikation/Internationalisierung-von-Wissen.html},
year = {2006},
date = {2006-01-01},
booktitle = {Internationalisierung von Wissen: Multidisziplinäre Beiträge zu neuen Praxen des Wissenstransfers},
pages = {91--125},
publisher = {Röhrig Universitätsverlag},
address = {St. Ingbert},
series = {Wissen – Kultur – Kommunikation},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Stefan Beck
Praktiken der Lokalisierung: Transfer, Hybridisierung und Interdependenz als Herausforderung ethnologischer Beobachtung Journal Article
In: Comparativ, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 13–29, 2006.
title = {Praktiken der Lokalisierung: Transfer, Hybridisierung und Interdependenz als Herausforderung ethnologischer Beobachtung},
author = {Stefan Beck},
url = {http://www.uni-leipzig.de/%7Ecompar/documents/C_2006-3/Beck,%20Stefan;%20Praktiken%20der%20Lokalisierung.pdf},
year = {2006},
date = {2006-01-01},
journal = {Comparativ},
volume = {16},
number = {3},
pages = {13--29},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Stefan Beck
Enacting Genes: Anmerkungen zu Familienplanung und genetischen Screenings in Zypern Book Section
In: Sigrid Graumann, Katrin Grüber (Ed.): Biomedizin im Kontext: Beiträge aus dem Institut Mensch, Ethik und Wissenschaft, pp. 221–237, LIT Verlag, Berlin, 2006.
title = {Enacting Genes: Anmerkungen zu Familienplanung und genetischen Screenings in Zypern},
author = {Stefan Beck},
editor = {Sigrid Graumann and Katrin Grüber},
url = {http://lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-8258-9624-2},
year = {2006},
date = {2006-01-01},
booktitle = {Biomedizin im Kontext: Beiträge aus dem Institut Mensch, Ethik und Wissenschaft},
pages = {221--237},
publisher = {LIT Verlag},
address = {Berlin},
series = {Mensch – Ethik – Wissenschaft},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Stefan Beck
In: Brigitte Liebig, Monique Dupuis, Irene Kriesi, Martina Peitz (Ed.): Mikrokosmos Wissenschaft: Transformationen und Perspektiven, pp. 205–226, vdf Hochschulverlag, Zürich, 2006.
title = {Wissenschaft und die Transformation des Alltags: Sozialanthropologische Anmerkungen zur Variation biopolitischer Regimes},
author = {Stefan Beck},
editor = {Brigitte Liebig and Monique Dupuis and Irene Kriesi and Martina Peitz},
url = {http://vdf.ch/mikrokosmos-wissenschaft.html},
year = {2006},
date = {2006-01-01},
booktitle = {Mikrokosmos Wissenschaft: Transformationen und Perspektiven},
pages = {205--226},
publisher = {vdf Hochschulverlag},
address = {Zürich},
series = {Zürcher Hochschulforum},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Stefan Beck
Putting Genetics to Use Journal Article
In: The Cyprus Review, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 59–78, 2005.
title = {Putting Genetics to Use},
author = {Stefan Beck},
url = {http://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/340},
year = {2005},
date = {2005-01-01},
journal = {The Cyprus Review},
volume = {17},
number = {1},
pages = {59--78},
abstract = {On the basis of empirical research using a screening programme for a genetic disorder (Cystic Fibrosis) in a Cypriot village as a case-in-point, the paper evaluates the influence of genetic information for concepts of heredity and kinship practices. Far from being simple receivers of biomedical knowledge, participants of the screening programme blended traditional, analogous concepts of blood relations between kin with scientific, digital concepts of ‘passing-on genetic information’ from generation to generation, creating a new mode of hereditary thinking, bodily concepts, and practices of relating oneself with others. On the backdrop of the unique experiences with the established screening programme for Thalassaemia on the island, most participants felt a pervasive moral obligation for all-encompassing “genetic transparency”. While this might constitute a bioethicist’s nightmare, it is argued that Cypriot modernity produced a unique “genetic citizenship” which might afford critical resources for coping with the prospects of an ongoing geneticisation.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Stefan Beck
Objektivierungen des Körpers: Anmerkungen zu einer vergleichenden Perspektive Book Section
In: Beate Binder, Silke Göttsch, Wolfgang Kaschuba, Konrad Vanja (Ed.): Ort. Arbeit. Körper: Ethnografie europäischer Modernen, pp. 385–394, Waxmann, Münster, 2005.
title = {Objektivierungen des Körpers: Anmerkungen zu einer vergleichenden Perspektive},
author = {Stefan Beck},
editor = {Beate Binder and Silke Göttsch and Wolfgang Kaschuba and Konrad Vanja},
year = {2005},
date = {2005-01-01},
booktitle = {Ort. Arbeit. Körper: Ethnografie europäischer Modernen},
pages = {385--394},
publisher = {Waxmann},
address = {Münster},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Maren Klotz
Auf der Autobahn: Ein Technikdiskurs zwischen „Volksgesicht“ und „Reichsautobahn“ Book Section
In: Falk Blask, Thomas Friedrich (Ed.): Menschenbild und Volksgesicht: Positionen zur Porträtfotografie im Nationalsozialismus, pp. 121–130, LIT Verlag, Münster, 2005.
title = {Auf der Autobahn: Ein Technikdiskurs zwischen „Volksgesicht“ und „Reichsautobahn“},
author = {Maren Klotz},
editor = {Falk Blask and Thomas Friedrich},
url = {http://lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-8258-8697-2},
year = {2005},
date = {2005-01-01},
booktitle = {Menschenbild und Volksgesicht: Positionen zur Porträtfotografie im Nationalsozialismus},
pages = {121–130},
publisher = {LIT Verlag},
address = {Münster},
series = {Berliner Blätter},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
John Walls, Tim O'Riordan, Tom Horlick‐Jones, Jörg Niewöhner
The meta‐governance of risk and new technologies: GM crops and mobile telephones Journal Article
In: Journal of Risk Research, vol. 8, no. 7--8, pp. 635–661, 2005.
title = {The meta‐governance of risk and new technologies: GM crops and mobile telephones},
author = {John Walls and Tim O'Riordan and Tom Horlick‐Jones and Jörg Niewöhner},
doi = {10.1080/13669870500101200},
year = {2005},
date = {2005-01-01},
journal = {Journal of Risk Research},
volume = {8},
number = {7--8},
pages = {635--661},
abstract = {The stylistic shift from government to governance in the regulation of risks associated with new technologies is often portrayed as an attempt to reach a deeper consensus over public controversies and to avoid future risk management failures. Stakeholder involvement in decision‐making through more inclusive and learning styles is seen as increasingly necessary in order to correct the steering deficit of the state, to rebuild trust in state institutions, and to obviate problems caused by uncertainty and different value perspectives in risk assessments. In this paper we scrutinise this model of risk and governance in the light of recent developments in the UK, focusing in particular on the regulation of genetically modified crops and mobile telecommunications technology. We conclude that the shift to governance is best understood in terms of the accommodative response of the state to a number of new challenges: primarily posed by the changing role of the private sector; by pressures on government to engender public trust in the face of shifting social values; and by the related difficulty in taking decisions with confidence and legitimacy. There is a perceived need within government for a more deliberative approach to regulation and standard‐setting, achieved by a creative combination of managed scientific order and the establishment of deliberative cooperative institutions. However the creation of deliberative mechanisms and institutions is not an easy passage, especially if it is accelerated by uncontrollable political events. Indeed, we caution against romantic interpretations of governance as indicating a uniform popular trend towards the democratisation of state decision‐making, despite the very real opportunities for reform that it affords. Rather, we suggest that a more plausible account is provided by seeing governance as a form of adaptive management necessitated by a series of interlocking economic and social changes, and responses to successive risk management crises.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Jörg Niewöhner, Peter Wiedemann, Cornelia Karger, Silke Schicktanz, Christof Tannert
Participatory prognostics in Germany: Developing citizen scenarios for the relationship between biomedicine and the economy in 2014 Journal Article
In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 72, no. 2, pp. 195–211, 2005.
title = {Participatory prognostics in Germany: Developing citizen scenarios for the relationship between biomedicine and the economy in 2014},
author = {Jörg Niewöhner and Peter Wiedemann and Cornelia Karger and Silke Schicktanz and Christof Tannert},
url = {https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/handle/18452/19242},
doi = {10.1016/j.techfore.2004.01.006},
year = {2005},
date = {2005-01-01},
journal = {Technological Forecasting and Social Change},
volume = {72},
number = {2},
pages = {195--211},
abstract = {The rapid development of biomedicine demands a trustworthy, proactive regulatory regime that is able to manage progress with genuine regard for ethical, social and legal concerns. With its recent past of eugenics and euthanasia, Germany is particularly concerned with setting up a fair and transparent approach, able to respond quickly to scientific developments as well as societal concerns. This article reports on the development, implementation and evaluation of a citizen scenario workshop as a tool of participatory prognostics, integrating elements from participatory technology assessment and forecasting. In 7 days of highly structured work and expert support, 24 German participants developed four scenarios on "The Relationship of Biomedicine and the Economy in the Year 2014." Results and evaluation both show that the process (1) leads to scenarios that provide a useful perspective beyond expert opinion; (2) enriches the public and political discourse; and (3) offers a social learning opportunity appreciated by nonprofessionals and experts alike. We are confident in recommending this technique as a useful addition to existing foresight and horizon scanning activities.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Jörg Niewöhner
Review of “Participatory Technology Assessment – European Perspectives” Journal Article
In: Journal of Risk Research, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 356–358, 2005, (Review of the book “Participatory Technology Assessment – European Perspectives”, edited by Simon Joss and Sergio Bellucci, 2002).
title = {Review of “Participatory Technology Assessment – European Perspectives”},
author = {Jörg Niewöhner},
url = {https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/handle/18452/19247},
doi = {10.1080/1366987042000265146},
year = {2005},
date = {2005-01-01},
journal = {Journal of Risk Research},
volume = {8},
number = {4},
pages = {356--358},
note = {Review of the book “Participatory Technology Assessment – European Perspectives”, edited by Simon Joss and Sergio Bellucci, 2002},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Jörg Niewöhner
Review of “Cellular Phones, Public Fears and a Culture of Precaution” Journal Article
In: Journal of Risk Research, vol. 8, no. 7--8, pp. 717–719, 2005, (Review of the book “Cellular Phones, Public Fears and a Culture of Precaution”, by Adam Burgess, 2004).
title = {Review of “Cellular Phones, Public Fears and a Culture of Precaution”},
author = {Jörg Niewöhner},
url = {https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/handle/18452/19248},
doi = {10.1080/1366987042000265100},
year = {2005},
date = {2005-01-01},
journal = {Journal of Risk Research},
volume = {8},
number = {7--8},
pages = {717--719},
note = {Review of the book “Cellular Phones, Public Fears and a Culture of Precaution”, by Adam Burgess, 2004},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Josefine Raasch
„Ich lebe eigentlich noch richtig gern“. Über Alter und Rückzug Book Section
In: Stefan Beck (Ed.): Alt sein – entwerfen – erfahren. Ethnografische Erkundungen in Lebenswelten alter Menschen, pp. 17-34, Panama Verlag, Berlin, 2005.
title = {„Ich lebe eigentlich noch richtig gern“. Über Alter und Rückzug},
author = {Josefine Raasch},
editor = {Stefan Beck},
year = {2005},
date = {2005-01-01},
booktitle = {Alt sein – entwerfen – erfahren. Ethnografische Erkundungen in Lebenswelten alter Menschen},
pages = {17-34},
publisher = {Panama Verlag},
address = {Berlin},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Jörg Niewöhner, Christof Tannert
Online-Diskurs zu den ethischen Fragen der Biomedizin Journal Article
In: Zeitschrift für Biopolitik, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 54–63, 2004.
title = {Online-Diskurs zu den ethischen Fragen der Biomedizin},
author = {Jörg Niewöhner and Christof Tannert},
url = {https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/handle/18452/19080},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-01-01},
journal = {Zeitschrift für Biopolitik},
volume = {3},
number = {4},
pages = {54--63},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Stefan Beck
In: Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, vol. 100, no. 1, pp. 1–30, 2004.
title = {Alltage, Modernitäten, Solidaritäten: Soziale Formen und kulturelle Aneignung der Biowissenschaften – Plädoyer für eine vergleichende Perspektive},
author = {Stefan Beck},
url = {https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/handle/18452/20309
year = {2004},
date = {2004-01-01},
journal = {Zeitschrift für Volkskunde},
volume = {100},
number = {1},
pages = {1--30},
abstract = {The article analyzes knowledges and options, produced by the life sciences, and focuses on emergent social forms and divergent cultural modes in which they are integrated into everyday routines and vernacular thinking. Taking the Cypriot bone marrow database as a case in point, the operation of this „biomedical platform“ is explored as a prototypical experimental and experiental scape. The article argues that it not only brings into existence new biological objects but also disseminates new forms of instituted altruism and de-/re-politicized solidarity. Applying the concept of multiple modernities, that was developed in post-colonial studies and cultural anthropology, and drawing on perspectives from science and technology studies, the article calls for comparative inquiries of the complex dynamics and interdependencies of vernacular culture and recent advances in the production of genomic knowledge.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Stefan Beck
Relationale Materialitäten: Anmerkungen zum Potential der Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie für die Technikforschung Book Section
In: Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (Ed.): Technikforschung: Zwischen Reflexion und Dokumentation, pp. 176–181, Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, Bern, 2004.
title = {Relationale Materialitäten: Anmerkungen zum Potential der Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie für die Technikforschung},
author = {Stefan Beck},
editor = {{Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften}},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-01-01},
booktitle = {Technikforschung: Zwischen Reflexion und Dokumentation},
pages = {176--181},
publisher = {Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften},
address = {Bern},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Jörg Niewöhner
Integration von Bürgerbeteiligung als politische Aufgabe? Book Section
In: Christof Tannert, Peter Wiedemann (Ed.): Stammzellen im Diskurs: Ein Lese- und Arbeitsbuch zu einer Bürgerkonferenz, pp. 67–74, Oekom, München, 2004.
title = {Integration von Bürgerbeteiligung als politische Aufgabe?},
author = {Jörg Niewöhner},
editor = {Christof Tannert and Peter Wiedemann},
url = {https://www.oekom.de/nc/buecher/gesamtprogramm/buch/stammzellen-im-diskurs.html},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-01-01},
booktitle = {Stammzellen im Diskurs: Ein Lese- und Arbeitsbuch zu einer Bürgerkonferenz},
pages = {67--74},
publisher = {Oekom},
address = {München},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Wouter Poortinga, Karen Bickerstaff, Ian Langford, Jörg Niewöhner, Nick Pidgeon
In: Journal of Risk Research, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 73–90, 2004.
title = {The British 2001 Foot and Mouth crisis: A comparative study of public risk perceptions, trust and beliefs about government policy in two communities},
author = {Wouter Poortinga and Karen Bickerstaff and Ian Langford and Jörg Niewöhner and Nick Pidgeon},
doi = {10.1080/1366987042000151205},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-01-01},
journal = {Journal of Risk Research},
volume = {7},
number = {1},
pages = {73--90},
abstract = {This mixed methodology study examines public attitudes to risk and its management during the 2001 Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) epidemic in Britain. A quantitative survey and qualitative focus groups were conducted to examine how two communities (Norwich and Bude) responded to the crisis. People were more concerned about a broad range of indirect consequences than about the direct (health) impacts of the disease, especially about the effects on the livelihood and future of rural economies. Moreover, people detected a complex of causes underlying the emergence of FMD, which suggests that the outbreak of FMD was considered a system failure, rather than something that could be blamed on one specific cause or actor. In general, people appeared to be critical about governmental handling of the FMD epidemic. Although there was some support for the government policy of slaughtering infected animals, the government was widely criticized for the way they carried out their policies. Only minor differences between the two communities Norwich and Bude were found. In particular, differences were found related to the government handling of the disease, reflected most notably in people's trust judgements. It is argued that these were the result of contextual differences in local experience, and debate on the crisis, in the two communities.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Jörg Niewöhner, Patrick Cox, Simon Gerrard, Nick Pidgeon
Evaluating the Efficacy of a Mental Models Approach for Improving Occupational Chemical Risk Protection Journal Article
In: Risk Analysis, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 349–361, 2004.
title = {Evaluating the Efficacy of a Mental Models Approach for Improving Occupational Chemical Risk Protection},
author = {Jörg Niewöhner and Patrick Cox and Simon Gerrard and Nick Pidgeon},
doi = {10.1111/j.0272-4332.2004.00437.x},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-01-01},
journal = {Risk Analysis},
volume = {24},
number = {2},
pages = {349--361},
abstract = {Chemical risk protection in the workplace relies partly on informing workers about possible risks using material safety data sheets (MSDS). This article reports on phase 2 of a project (phase 1 reported in Cox et al.), which employed a mental models approach to improve on data sheets as communicative interventions for perchloroethylene in dry cleaning and rosin-based solder flux in the electronics industry within small businesses in the United Kingdom (small enterprises (SEs) < 25 employees in the workplace). It focuses on the efficacy of a multimethod evaluation strategy to assess (1) the capacity of a mental models approach to yield contextually relevant data for intervention design and (2) the effectiveness of the strategy itself in validating the mental models data. The evaluation was conducted using postal questionnaires and semi-structured verbal protocols to provide responses to the alternative intervention content and to prioritize risk messages. User discussion groups were then employed, particularly as a means of establishing whether contextual information could be obtained that would differ qualitatively from the kind elicited through individual (semi) structured methods. We conclude that the mental models approach as part of an iterative process including systematic multimethod evaluation is successful in supporting the design of relevant communications to the users of chemicals. The overall viability of communicative interventions in the context of health and safety in small businesses remains in question. Future research might aim to develop a more holistic approach to interventions in complex occupational contexts.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Stefan Beck, Michi Knecht (Ed.)
Körperpolitik – Biopolitik Collection
LIT Verlag, Münster, 2003.
title = {Körperpolitik – Biopolitik},
editor = {Stefan Beck and Michi Knecht},
url = {http://lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-643-99979-5
year = {2003},
date = {2003-01-01},
publisher = {LIT Verlag},
address = {Münster},
series = {Berliner Blätter},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {collection}
Stefan Beck, Michi Knecht
Einleitung: Körper – Körperpolitik – Biopolitik Book Section
In: Stefan Beck, Michi Knecht (Ed.): Körperpolitik – Biopolitik, pp. 7–14, LIT Verlag, Münster, 2003.
title = {Einleitung: Körper – Körperpolitik – Biopolitik},
author = {Stefan Beck and Michi Knecht},
editor = {Stefan Beck and Michi Knecht},
url = {http://lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-643-99979-5},
year = {2003},
date = {2003-01-01},
booktitle = {Körperpolitik – Biopolitik},
pages = {7--14},
publisher = {LIT Verlag},
address = {Münster},
series = {Berliner Blätter},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Patrick Cox, Jörg Niewöhner, Nick Pidgeon, Simon Gerrard, Baruch Fischhoff, Donna Riley
The Use of Mental Models in Chemical Risk Protection: Developing a Generic Workplace Methodology Journal Article
In: Risk Analysis, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 311–324, 2003.
title = {The Use of Mental Models in Chemical Risk Protection: Developing a Generic Workplace Methodology},
author = {Patrick Cox and Jörg Niewöhner and Nick Pidgeon and Simon Gerrard and Baruch Fischhoff and Donna Riley},
doi = {10.1111/1539-6924.00311},
year = {2003},
date = {2003-01-01},
journal = {Risk Analysis},
volume = {23},
number = {2},
pages = {311--324},
abstract = {We adopted a comparative approach to evaluate and extend a generic methodology to analyze the different sets of beliefs held about chemical hazards in the workplace. Our study mapped existing knowledge structures about the risks associated with the use of perchloroethylene and rosin-based solder flux in differing workplaces. "Influence diagrams'' were used to represent beliefs held by chemical experts; "user models'' were developed from data elicited from open-ended interviews with the workplace users of the chemicals. The juxtaposition of expert and user understandings of chemical risks enabled us to identify knowledge gaps and misunderstandings and to reinforce appropriate sets of safety beliefs and behavior relevant to chemical risk communications. By designing safety information to be more relevant to the workplace context of users, we believe that employers and employees may gain improved knowledge about chemical hazards in the workplace, such that better chemical risk management, self-protection, and informed decision making develop over time.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Stefan Beck
Reflexible Körper: Anmerkungen zur Transformation von Gesundheitsverständnissen und Verwandtschaftsverhältnissen durch humangenetisches Wissen Book Section
In: Rolf Wilhelm Brednich, Annette Schneider, Ute Werner (Ed.): Natur – Kultur: Volkskundliche Perspektiven auf Mensch und Umwelt, pp. 31–45, Waxmann, Münster, 2001.
title = {Reflexible Körper: Anmerkungen zur Transformation von Gesundheitsverständnissen und Verwandtschaftsverhältnissen durch humangenetisches Wissen},
author = {Stefan Beck},
editor = {Rolf Wilhelm Brednich and Annette Schneider and Ute Werner},
year = {2001},
date = {2001-01-01},
booktitle = {Natur – Kultur: Volkskundliche Perspektiven auf Mensch und Umwelt},
pages = {31--45},
publisher = {Waxmann},
address = {Münster},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Stefan Beck
Rekombinante Praxen: Wissensarbeit als Gegenstand der Europäischen Ethnologie Journal Article
In: Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, vol. 96, no. 2, pp. 218–246, 2000.
title = {Rekombinante Praxen: Wissensarbeit als Gegenstand der Europäischen Ethnologie},
author = {Stefan Beck},
url = {https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/handle/18452/20308
year = {2000},
date = {2000-01-01},
journal = {Zeitschrift für Volkskunde},
volume = {96},
number = {2},
pages = {218--246},
abstract = {From a praxeological perspective, the article explores knowledge cultures typical for late modern societies. Drawing on fieldwork studying a genetic screening in Cyprus and hospital practices in Germany, the interplay of different kinds of professional knowledges employed by medical experts – geneticists, physicists, genetic counselors – is analysed. Special attention is given to the different epistemic settings of knowledge production and processes of knowledge transfer in pro fessional settings as well as to the appropriation of knowledge by actors in everyday contexts. The article proposes to study different modes of knowledge production, storage, transfer, and appropriation as defining practices for modern knowledge societies. In order to do so, the modification of fieldwork practices and theoretical propositions of cultural analysis seems to be eminent. The argument is developed in part by critically examining previous studies on work in German European Ethnology (Volkskunde).},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Stefan Beck
media.practices@culture: Perspektiven einer Kulturanthropologie der Mediennutzung Book Section
In: Stefan Beck (Ed.): Technogene Nähe: Ethnographische Studien zur Mediennutzung im Alltag, pp. 9–17, LIT Verlag, Münster, 2000.
title = {media.practices@culture: Perspektiven einer Kulturanthropologie der Mediennutzung},
author = {Stefan Beck},
editor = {Stefan Beck},
url = {http://lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-8258-5000-5},
year = {2000},
date = {2000-01-01},
booktitle = {Technogene Nähe: Ethnographische Studien zur Mediennutzung im Alltag},
pages = {9--17},
publisher = {LIT Verlag},
address = {Münster},
series = {Berliner Blätter},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Stefan Beck (Ed.)
Technogene Nähe: Ethnographische Studien zur Mediennutzung im Alltag Collection
LIT Verlag, Münster, 2000.
title = {Technogene Nähe: Ethnographische Studien zur Mediennutzung im Alltag},
editor = {Stefan Beck},
url = {http://lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-8258-5000-5
year = {2000},
date = {2000-01-01},
publisher = {LIT Verlag},
address = {Münster},
series = {Berliner Blätter},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {collection}
Stefan Beck
Zur alltagskulturellen Sprengkraft der Genomanalyse Journal Article
In: unimagazin (Die Zeitschrift der Universität Zürich), no. 2, pp. 16–18, 2000.
title = {Zur alltagskulturellen Sprengkraft der Genomanalyse},
author = {Stefan Beck},
url = {http://www.kommunikation.uzh.ch/de/publishing/magazin/archiv/unimagazin-00-2.html},
year = {2000},
date = {2000-01-01},
journal = {unimagazin (Die Zeitschrift der Universität Zürich)},
number = {2},
pages = {16--18},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Stefan Beck
Die Denaturierung des Labors: Anmerkungen zur Erforschung der Arbeitskultur in den Naturwissenschaften Book Section
In: Irene Götz, Andreas Wittel (Ed.): Arbeitskulturen im Umbruch: Zur Ethnographie von Arbeit und Organisation, pp. 175–196, Waxmann, Münster, 2000.
title = {Die Denaturierung des Labors: Anmerkungen zur Erforschung der Arbeitskultur in den Naturwissenschaften},
author = {Stefan Beck},
editor = {Irene Götz and Andreas Wittel},
year = {2000},
date = {2000-01-01},
booktitle = {Arbeitskulturen im Umbruch: Zur Ethnographie von Arbeit und Organisation},
pages = {175--196},
publisher = {Waxmann},
address = {Münster},
series = {Münchner Beiträge zur Volkskunde},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Stefan Beck, Andreas Wittel
Forschung ohne Feld und doppelten Boden: Zur Ethnographie von Handlungsnetzwerken Book Section
In: Irene Götz, Andreas Wittel (Ed.): Arbeitskulturen im Umbruch: Zur Ethnographie von Arbeit und Organisation, pp. 213–225, Waxmann, Münster, 2000.
title = {Forschung ohne Feld und doppelten Boden: Zur Ethnographie von Handlungsnetzwerken},
author = {Stefan Beck and Andreas Wittel},
editor = {Irene Götz and Andreas Wittel},
year = {2000},
date = {2000-01-01},
booktitle = {Arbeitskulturen im Umbruch: Zur Ethnographie von Arbeit und Organisation},
pages = {213--225},
publisher = {Waxmann},
address = {Münster},
series = {Münchner Beiträge zur Volkskunde},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Jörg Niewöhner, Simon P. Gerrard
Prototype methodology for improving targeting of interventions at SMEs Proceedings Article
In: M. P. Cottam, D. W. Harvey, R. P. Pape, J. Tait (Ed.): Foresight and Precaution: Proceedings of ESREL 2000, SaRS and SRA-Europe Annual Conference, pp. 159–163, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 2000.
title = {Prototype methodology for improving targeting of interventions at SMEs},
author = {Jörg Niewöhner and Simon P. Gerrard},
editor = {M. P. Cottam and D. W. Harvey and R. P. Pape and J. Tait},
year = {2000},
date = {2000-01-01},
booktitle = {Foresight and Precaution: Proceedings of ESREL 2000, SaRS and SRA-Europe Annual Conference},
pages = {159--163},
publisher = {A. A. Balkema},
address = {Rotterdam},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
Simon P. Gerrard, Jörg Niewöhner, Graham Piggott
Developing systematic evaluation through impact modelling Proceedings Article
In: M. P. Cottam, D. W. Harvey, R. P. Pape, J. Tait (Ed.): Foresight and Precaution: Proceedings of ESREL 2000, SaRS and SRA-Europe Annual Conference, pp. 993–998, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 2000.
title = {Developing systematic evaluation through impact modelling},
author = {Simon P. Gerrard and Jörg Niewöhner and Graham Piggott},
editor = {M. P. Cottam and D. W. Harvey and R. P. Pape and J. Tait},
year = {2000},
date = {2000-01-01},
booktitle = {Foresight and Precaution: Proceedings of ESREL 2000, SaRS and SRA-Europe Annual Conference},
pages = {993--998},
publisher = {A. A. Balkema},
address = {Rotterdam},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
Stefan Beck
Umgang mit Technik: Kulturelle Praxen und kulturwissenschaftliche Forschungskonzepte Book
Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1997.
title = {Umgang mit Technik: Kulturelle Praxen und kulturwissenschaftliche Forschungskonzepte},
author = {Stefan Beck},
url = {http://d-nb.info/948925825},
doi = {10.18452/617},
year = {1997},
date = {1997-01-01},
publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
address = {Berlin},
series = {Zeithorizonte},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Stefan Beck, Gisela Welz
Naturalisierung von Kultur -- Kulturalisierung von Natur: Zur Logik ästhetischer Produktion am Beispiel einer agrotouristischen Region Zyperns Journal Article
In: Tourismus-Journal, vol. 1, no. 3--4, pp. 431–448, 1997.
title = {Naturalisierung von Kultur -- Kulturalisierung von Natur: Zur Logik ästhetischer Produktion am Beispiel einer agrotouristischen Region Zyperns},
author = {Stefan Beck and Gisela Welz},
year = {1997},
date = {1997-01-01},
journal = {Tourismus-Journal},
volume = {1},
number = {3--4},
pages = {431--448},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}