It has long been in the making. Now, it has finally arrived: Biosocial Worlds! The inaugural edited volume in UCL Press’ new series: Culture and Health. The volume goes back to a very productive conference in Aarhus back in 2014 where scholars from STS and anthropology met to explore intellectual paths beyond biodeterminism. The result is now available with UCL Press as a free pdf download:
Enjoy the read! We are very interested to further explore questions at the intersection of environment, health and culture, anthropogenic biology, and planetary health in the Anthropocene. So do get in touch or join our lab sessions if this is one of your concerns too.
Stay safe and take care, Joerg
P.S.: In connection with the opening seminar of a small research centre at AU, ‘Centre for Biosocial Inquiries’ on Wednesday 7th October, 15:45 DK time, we will have a book launch. The event will be online and (we hope) onsite, and you are cordially invited to participate if at all possible. The programme is attached, and it will be possible to ‘Zoom’ in and out during the day, or just join whenever time differences allow. To receive a zoom link, please sign up here: (deadline 5 October).
is Professor for Urban Anthropology and Human-Enviroment Relations at the Institute for European Ethnology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He is also deputy director of the Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems (IRI THESys). Jörg is currently working on an ecological or relational anthropology in the fields of global environmental change and the life sciences.