Research group for the ethnographic inquiry into ecologies, infrastructures, bodies and knowledges
Congratulations Patrick!

Congratulations Patrick!

We want to warmly congratulate long-standing member of the lab, Patrick Bieler, on successfully defending his PhD thesis “BioÖkologien des Begegnens: Eine ethnografische Untersuchung der relationalen Konstitution psychischer Gesundheit und urbaner Umwelten” at the intersection of urban and medical anthropology and STS!

Patrick will continue to contribute to the lab and do research with the newly started DFG-funded project “Mind the City! Kollaborative Exploration städtischer Umwelten anhand psychischer Gesundheiten*” at the Institute for European Ethnology. You can read more about it here.


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is a graduate student at the Institute for European Ethnology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Departing from classical laboratory studies in science and technology studies, she is interested in current knowledge making practices in the sciences, different methodological approaches and research ethics.