Research group for the ethnographic inquiry into ecologies, infrastructures, bodies and knowledges
The program for this summer semester is now online!

The program for this summer semester is now online!

Dear friends and guests of the Lab, we are pleased to announce that the program for the winter term is now online. You can find an overview here at this end of this post. However, it may be subject to change so please check our events for information about the upcoming sessions. Meetings take place weekly, Monday 16:15-17.45 pm on Zoom. To receive the link to the session, please contact Patrick Bieler ( if you wish to join a session in order to receive the link.

As usual, we will collectively work on lab member’s individual research projects and engage in mutual feedback and collective learning. Besides that, we will continue our tentative search, trying to bring closer together research endeavors on health and environmental issues, carving out its potential overlaps and entanglements. In this semester, rather than joint reading we will therefore have ‘Working Sessions’ in which we initiate a longer-term process of trying to identify and jointly work on ethnographic middle range concepts with which to grasp environment-human relations in the Anthropocene.

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is a graduate student at the Institute for European Ethnology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Departing from classical laboratory studies in science and technology studies, she is interested in current knowledge making practices in the sciences, different methodological approaches and research ethics.