Research group for the ethnographic inquiry into ecologies, infrastructures, bodies and knowledges
Anja Klein

Anja Klein

Congratulations Patrick!

We want to warmly congratulate long-standing member of the lab, Patrick Bieler, on successfully defending his PhD thesis “BioÖkologien des Begegnens: Eine ethnografische Untersuchung der relationalen Konstitution psychischer Gesundheit und urbaner Umwelten” at the intersection of urban and medical anthropology and STS! Patrick will continue to contribute to the lab …

Joint book review on practising comparison published: Assembling Comparators – Assembling Reflexivities

The Laboratory: Anthropology of Environment | Human Relations as a writing collective has published a short paper in Science as Culture reviewing and commenting on the edited volume “Practising Comparison: Logics, Relations, Collaborations” (Deville, Guggenheim and Hrdliková 2016, Mattering Press). Involved in thinking through this piece have been Patrick Bieler, …