Past Events


26/02/2025 - Raj Patil - Student Seminar - Raj Patil on "Basics of waveform modelling"

14/02/2025 - Dr. Axel Kleinschmidt, AEI Potsdam-Golm - QFT Colloquium: Axel Kleinschmidt

12/02/2025 - Mika Lauk - Student Seminar - Mika Lauk on "Renormalization of the 2d O(N) nonlinear sigma models"

29/01/2025 - Maria Foteini Kallimani and Camilla Lavino - Student Seminar - Maria Foteini Kallimani on "Let's get BUSY" and Camilla Lavino on "What's a gauge symmetry?"

15/01/2025 - Lukas Holan - Student Seminar - Lukas Holan on "Simulations in Lattice Field Theory"


11/12/2024 - Lucine Tabatt - Student Seminar - Lucine Tabatt on “UV/IR mixing and the hierarchy problem”

27/11/2024 - Tobias Scherdin - Student Seminar - Tobias Scherdin on "Intersection Numbers of Twisted Cohomology"

20/11/2024 - Giuseppe Casale - Student Seminar - Giuseppe Casale on "Rheonomy: A Geometric Approach to Supergravity"

13/11/2024 - Mathias Driesse - Student Seminar - Mathias Driesse on "An Introduction to Quantum Mechanics"

06/11/2024 - Kathrin Stoldt - Student Seminar - Kathrin Stoldt on "An Overview of Feynman Integrals"

30/10/2024 - Davide Scazzuso - An Introduction to Matrix Models - Student Seminar

10/06/2024 - Giuseppe Casale - BRST Quantisation of a Supersymmetric Worldline Theory - Student Seminar

03/06/2024 - Maria Kallimani & Andres Stump - Making quantisation BVeautiful & Distillation and Position Space Sampling - An Affordable Way to Use Locale Tetraquark Operators - Student Seminar

27/05/2024 - Mathias Driesse & Moritz Kade - The infrared structure of gravity and gauge theories - a quick overview (Mathias Driesse) & Critical coupling of beta-deformed SYM in the strong double-scaling limit (Moritz Kade)

24/05/2024 - Dr. Andrea Puhm (CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau cedex) - QFT Colloquium: Dr. Andrea Puhm (CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau cedex)

13/05/2024 - Mika Lauk & Benjamin Sauer - The Peierls argument: how percolation theory started (Mika Lauk) & Black hole scattering at fifth post-minkowskian and first self force order (Benjamin Sauer)

06/05/2024 - Andrea Bulgarelli - The entanglement entropy of gauge theories: lattice geometry and Monte Carlo simulations - Student Seminar

30/04/2024 - Dr. Sofia Pazzagli - Multiplicity in and of Physics Seminar Series starts again 30.4.2024

26/04/2024 - Petr Kravchuk (King's College London) - QFT Colloquium: Petr Kravchuk (King's College London)

26/02/2024 - Tim Meier & Raj Patil - Twist noncommutative N=4 SYM (Tim Meier) & Gravitational Waves using Effective Field Theories (Raj Patil)

19/02/2024 - Ilaria Costa - Supersphere Non-linear Sigma Model On The Lattice

16/02/2024 - Prof. Dr. Lorenzo Tancredi (TU Munich) - Scattering Amplitudes for Precision Physics: how mathematics informs fundamental physics

12/02/2024 - Jitze Hoogeveen - Test-particle scattering in General Relativity - Student Seminar

05/02/2024 - Moritz Kade - The Six-Vertex Model With Domain Wall Boundary Conditions

29/01/2024 - Jasper Roosmale Nepveu & Camilla Lavino - Infinite Field Anomalous Dimension (Jasper Roosmale Nepveu) & The Analytic Conformal Bootstrap (Camilla Lavino)

22/01/2024 - Maria Kallimani & Andres Stump - A homotopy transfer primer (Maria Kallimani) & Distillation Method in Lattice QCD (Andres Stump)

19/01/2024 - Prof. Pietro Longhi (Uppsala U) - Partition functions of 4d N=2 theories in the strong coupling regime

15/01/2024 - Alessandro Cotellucci & Giuseppe Casale - It is Just a Trace: How I Spent 3 Years of My Life Computing the Trace of the Inverse of the Dirac Operator (Alessandro Cotellucci) & Basic Elements of Double Copy and Homotopy Algebras (Giuseppe Casale) - Student Seminar

08/01/2024 - Mathias Driesse - Feynman Integrals and Intersection Theory - Student Seminar


18/12/2023 - Davide Scazzuso - Quantum gravity and volumes - Student Seminar

04/12/2023 - Yingxuan Xu - IBP reduction coefficients made simple - Student Seminar

27/11/2023 - Mika Lauk - Towards the screening spectrum of Yang-Mills Theory at high temperature

27/11/2023 - Benjamin Sauer - Syzygy equations and leading singularities from the Baikov representation

13/11/2023 - Daniele Artico - IBP identities in Feynman parameter space - Student Seminar

10/07/2023 - Daniele Artico and Giulia Peveri - The one plot to know about the climate

03/07/2023 - Ernø-Møller & Bliard - Higher order spin effects in the dynamics of compact object binaries (Ernø-Møller) & All-loop results from perturbative analytic bootstrap (Bliard)

30/06/2023 - Dr. Alexander Blum - On the History of Quantum Field Theory: Origins, Transformations, Problems

19/06/2023 - Alessandro Cotellucci and Jens Lücke - The muon (g-2) - New physics from an old hat?

11/06/2023 - Broll & Roosmale Nepveu - Flavour Physics (Broll) & Renormalization of scalar effective field theories (Roosmale Nepveu)

05/06/2023 - Moritz Kade - A brief dive into WZW models

22/05/2023 - Codina & Scazzuso - From Neurons to Neural Population Dynamics (Codina) & KS theory and recursion (Scazzuso)

19/05/2023 - Prof. Dr. Agnese Bissi (ICTP, Trieste & Upsala U.) - Analytic conformal bootstrap

15/05/2023 - Jakobsen & Sauer - Effective-One-Body Resummation of the Classical Gravitational Two-Body System (Jakobsen) & Bootstrapping Feynman Integrals in the gravitational two body problem (Sauer)

08/05/2023 - Diaz-Jaramillo & Xu - A brief introduction to self-dual field theories (Diaz-Jaramillo) & Introduction to multi-loop IBP reduction techniques (Xu)

28/04/2023 - Dr. Matthew McCullough (CERN) - The Higgs Boson Under a Microscope

29/03/2023 - Prof. Dr. Sinya Aoki (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto) - Special seminar: Energy (non-) conservation and an alternative conserved charge in a curved spacetime (general relativity)

27/02/2023 - Giulia Peveri - RTG doctoral seminar: Giulia Peveri, Our universe as a complex system

13/02/2023 - Allison Pinto - Allison Pinto - Homotopy algebras in cosmology and quantum mechanics - Student Seminar

06/02/2023 - Gabriel J. S. Bliard - Are defects the simplest theory of quantum gravity? - Student Seminar

30/01/2023 - Jasper Roosmale Nepveu - Dimension 8 effective field theory contributions from renormalization group evolution - Student Seminar

23/01/2023 - Moritz Kade - Overview of the six vertex model - Student Seminar

20/01/2023 - Dr. Martin Lüscher (CERN) - Chiral symmetry, the topological charge and the Yang-Mills gradient flow

16/01/2023 - Jens Lücke - QCD+QED simulations with C* boundary conditions

09/01/2023 -  Yingxuan Xu - Introduction to elliptic curves


12/12/2022 - Alessandro Cotellucci - From Lattice to Practice: a practical introduction to Lattice QCD

05/12/2022 - Julien Barrat - RTG seminar: A history of Bootstrap

28/11/2022 - Ilaria Costa - Discussing the Lattice Non-Linear Sigma Model on the Supersphere

25/11/2022 - Prof. Dr. Renate Loll (Radboud U Nijmegen) - Quantum Gravity and Quantum Ricci Curvature

21/11/2022 - Davide Scazzuso - Student seminar 21/11 at 11:00 Davide Scazzuso; N=2 gauge theories and D5-brane defect

14/11/2022 - Benjamin Sauer - RTG Student seminar; Benjamin Sauer, Differential equations and elliptic functions in gravitational scattering at fourth Post-Minkowskian order

07/11/2022 - Tim Meier - Student Seminar; Review of the one-loop anomalous dimension of the su(2) subsector of N=4 SYM

31/10/2022 - Tomas Codina - Field redefinitions and Friedmann-Robertson-Walker backgrounds

24/10/2022 - - Student seminar; Gustav Uhre Jakobsen - Kerr metric and black hole perturbation theory

17/10/2022 - Felipe Diaz-Jaramillo - Student seminar; Homotopy Algebras and the Double Copy, Felipe Diaz-Jaramillo

01/07/2022 - Prof. Andreas Weiler (TUM, Munich) - QFT colloquium: Prof. Andreas Weiler (TUM, Munich)

24/06/2022 - Alexander Broll - Quantifying the Excited-States Contamination of B Meson Correlators using Heavy Meson Chiral Perturbation Theory

21/06/2022 - Alessandro Cotellucci - From Lattice QCD to Lattice QCD+QED

17/06/2022 - Prof. Kirill Melnikov (TTP, Karlsruhe) - Precision collider physics and non-perturbative effects

14/06/2022 - Julien Barrat - An introduction to the Nicolai map

10/06/2022 - Gustav Uhre Jakobsen - Two-loop integrals - IBPs, DEs, iε, ε and Method of Regions

07/06/2022 - Felipe Diaz-Jaramillo - Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics

03/06/2022 - Jasper Roosmale Nepveu - Count your problems with Hilbert series

31/05/2022 - Yingxuan Xu - Introduction to AMFlow

24/05/2022 - Daniele Artico - EIKONAL ON THE CANAL. A friend, a walk and a question: can neutral objects feel other electric charges?

17/05/2022 - Gabriel Bliard - From k_B to \alpha_S, How thermodynamics can help with string theory

06/05/2022 - Tomás Codina - String corrections and string dualities in cosmological backgrounds

29/04/2022 - Prof. James Drummond (Southampton U.) - QFT colloquium: Geometric properties of scattering amplitudes

15/03/2022 - Ilaria Costa - NLSM on the supersphere and its implementation on the lattice

22/02/2022 - Tomás Codina - Duality invariant string beta function: trying to automize a 3-loop computation

18/02/2022 - Dr. Maxwell Hansen (Edinburgh University) - QFT colloquium: Multi-particle observables from a finite Euclidean spacetime

15/02/2022 - Alexander Broll - Lattice Computations of Spectral Densities

15/02/2022 - Jasper Roosmale Nepveu - On-shell methods and anomalies

08/02/2022 - Yingxuan Xu - Introduction to FiniteFlow

01/02/2022 - Tim Meier - Non commutative N=4 SYM via Drinfel’d twists

28/01/2022 - Prof. Gabriele Travaglini (Queen Mary, London) - QFT colloquium: From scattering amplitudes to Newton’s potential and beyond

18/01/2022 - Claudio Iuliano & Daniele Artico - Fortnite and FORM nights

11/01/2022 - Gustav Uhre Jakobsen - SUSY in the sky with gravitons


14/12/2021 - Giulia Peveri & Julien Barrat - The quest for exact results in QFT

08/12/2021 - Prof. Dr. Claudia Draxl - HU Women in Physics Series: Claudia Draxl

07/12/2021 - Moritz Kade - Attempt to make sense of a relation between propagators in dimensional regularization and Fourier transformations of log(p^2)^n

01/12/2021 - Dr. Nichol Furey - HU Women in Physics Series: Nichol Furey

30/11/2021 - Alessandro Cotellucci - Particle in a box. An introduction to finite volume mass corrections

24/11/2021 - Dr. Valentina Forini - HU Women in Physics Series: Valentina Forini

23/11/2021 - Jens Lücke - Predictions from the lattice?

17/11/2021 - Prof. Dr. Cigdem Issever - HU Women in Physics Series: Cigdem Issever

16/11/2021 - F. Diaz-Jaramillo - A (very) Brief Introduction to BRST and BV

10/11/2021 - Inna Kviatkovsky, M.Sc. - HU Women in Physics Series: Inna Kviatkovsky

09/11/2021 - Allison Pinto - L-infinity Algebras and Gauge Invariant Perturbation Theory

03/11/2021 - Lina Alasfar, M.Sc. - HU Women in Physics series: Lina Alasfar

27/10/2021 - Prof. Dr. Caterina Cocchi - HU Women in Physics Series: Caterina Cocchi